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Thats cool :) I only have pictures of my bun in hercage or in my hands because she really doesn't like to sit still whenshe's out playing lol. So I don't think I'd ever get her to sit stilllong enough to pose nice :) I have one pic of her (I'll try to post itsometime) of her yawning, it looks scary lol you can see her teeth,it's like she's gonna attack something haha. The best pics of pets andhumans are they ones when they're caught off guard ;)

Tucker is most certainly handsome!

Attached is a little Tucker Avatar. I can try do do somedifferent ones if this one doesn't work for you. (It might be slightlyto big -- so let me know)


I don't see a place to put avatars in...and I don'tknow how to make them anyway :) lol Do you think you can make me aMaggie Avatar, Pam?? I'd sure appreciate it!
MyBunnyLovesMe wrote:
I don't see a place to put avatars in...and I don't know howto make them anyway :) lol Do you think you can make me a MaggieAvatar, Pam?? I'd sure appreciate it!
I certainly can :) I won't be on line much more today (have to get the house cleaned and I have a meeting tonight).

Anyone who would like an Avatar from their photo can email it to me andI'll work on it tonight.[email protected]If you don't have a photo and would like a bunny avatar, you may choosea clipart from my websitehttp://www.geocities.com/pamnockand I'll resize it into an avatar for you.

Please note: In the body of the email, state your request:) I delete all attachments if I don't know whatthey are.

I will email the avatar back to you and you can save it to yourcomputer. Go to "my account" at the right top corner of thisforum to find where to upload your avatar. If it's too large,let me know and I'll size it smaller.


You ROCK, Pam!!! :dude:

It does say it's a little too big, but that's okay. Don'twant to take up any more of your time. The butterfly will beokay.

Thanks, you're so incrediblyhelpful no matter what the subject!

Thanks again!


Hi Carolyn,

Try this one -- I'm trying to keep it as large as allowable.The quality diminishes the smaller I make it. Don't be shy inletting me know if this one is too big -- it only takes me a second tochange the size.


P.S. Pam:

Tucker will certainly be as Over the Top as I am after he hears thatYOU said he was Handsome. That's Big to us!! Lookslike Little Mon will be getting a treat tonight.

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer all the questions youdo for us. God knows that you've got a million other thingsgoing on and that you must tend to, but you always take the time tostop in to check on us 'little people'. It means so much toknow that you'll be around.

Sincerely, I thank you. As BuckJones said aboutyou, "First class, no doubt, and a very, very bigfish in a small pond in the Rabbits Only Forums, all three of them,that is"


You've Made Me Sooooo Happy!!!

Thanks!!!!!!! You're an Angel!

Good luck with the meeting and Thanks SO MUCH!

:) :D :dude: :cool:
You are too kind Carolyn :) Now I'm going to have to deflate my head LOL

Tucker makes a fantastic Avatar -- I love the colors on the photo.

I'm glad you like it : )


Tucker will do anything for his honeystick. That's how Ibribed him to sit and pose for me. Granted, I had to take 24pictures to have 2 turn out well, but it's the price I had topay. Don't give up. You'll get a gorgeous shot ofyour Maggie. I think you already have, actually.(How kind of Pam to help us get our babiespictures next toour names, ey? She's unbelieveable how helpful and howknowledgeable she is.)


* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


No need to deflate your head.You deserve every compliment you get.


Without a doubt, Pam, I will second Carolyn's comments about you and sing your high praises whenever, and wherever appropriate.

I recognize good advice when it is given to me personally, as you havedone so generously in the past, and when you pass it on to others,which then gives me the opportunity to learn ever so much more aboutrabbit keeping as a hobby and a serious endeavor.

You are certainly a great credit to ARBA anditshould be well pleased to have you as a spokeswoman, official andrepresentative.

So there!!!! You're much too modest to get a swelled head, in my estimation.

Buck :D

I'll try to get some good shots maybe when shes alittle older since she does seem to be mellowing out a little bit. :) Iwanna get a pic of her with Easter Eggs or something lol. She doesn'thave anything she likes so much she'd sit still for so I'll have towait until maybe she's a little sleepy or something :)

And Pam, you've been more than helpful to us all, everyone here is sonice and so patient with everyone, especially me since I have like amillion questions. So props to y'all!! :)
I have 4 kids, with 3 of them being homeschooledand basically with me 24/7. How can I be anything but patientand tolerant? :cool:LOL

Your rabbit looks like my rabbit and my rabbit is a netherland dwaft.My message is for JessicaRabbit.

HI! Carolyn

I agree with you you do have a handsome rabbit. I have a picture of my rabbit to show you. My rabbit is also handsome.


Welcome Pepper!!

Look at your Handsome Baby!! They DO look a lot alike! I love yourlittle one. Looks just like Tucker, but with a splash of white here andthere in just the right places.

How old is your little one? What's her/his name?

HI! Carolyn

My little baby is a year old and his name is Pepper. I got him at a petstore when he was 3 months old.I used his picture to make Christmascards on my computer,and I used Glossy Greeting Card paper to do itwith and they turned out great.

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