Just a few questions from a newbie

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Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2006
Reaction score
Newport, , United Kingdom
Hello there

We have a 10 week old outdoor bunny called Bugsy - I know, not a veryoriginal name...anyway. We've had him for 3-4 weeks and atthe moment we keep him on our patio but I wonder what I should put downfor his feet as he's never on the grass? Are the grass matsI've seen the only option?

Our one area of lawn isn't very even so putting the run on it wouldbring it's own problems - and the other area is too small for the runwhich we made so it's quite big.

He uses a litter tray during the day, but as I puthim to bedeach night inside the hutchhe has to use the hutch until welet him out in the morning - perhaps that isn't fair? What do you think?

He's such a cutie - just love the way he runs like an idiot around and around the run each morning binkying. :D

I have lots of questions :?but I'll save them for another time!
Hello, and welcome to the forum. Mybunnies are indoors so I don't have much advice but I just wanted tosay hi and look forward to seeing some pics of your bun!
Hello there!

I just wanted to say congrats on getting your bun! They are all such a blessing and a delight to be with!

As for your grass problem, you can try to get natural grass mats, ifavailable. If not, hay is always a good idea to be giving your bun forinsulation, and they can nibble on it too! you can often findwhicker-like mats, but do make sure they are natural.

My bun, Lucky, has no problem at all using a different litter tray atnight. During the day, i let him out in the back yard to be free (it isbunny-proofed, of course) and at night i put him in a roomy cage.

Hope I've been some help!:) Cheers,

Thanks for the replies and welcome

I've thought about putting another small litter tray in the hutch - perhaps I'll give it a go.

We've given him a hay rack and I leave hay and straw as bedding and toline the hutch but he doesn't seem all that keen on the hay - LOVESgrass though. If I go anywhere near the lawn he dashes to the front ofthe run and scratches on it madly.

I've been browsing the web for the last 3 weeks and seem to seedifferent advice on bedding - he seems happy with the sraw but e'll trysomething else like plain wood shavings. Is it okay toshredded paper too because we have an endless supply of that?He doesn't chew the paper - I've checked.

I'd love to let Bugsy have the run of the garden but he's so little andit's impossible to keep the neighbourhood cats out - I've been tryingfor years! My Dad and I built a large run (twice the size ofanything I saw in the shops and a lot higher too) so I'm not concernedabout lack of space. Wanted to put the run on the lawn thisweekend for a couple of hours but grass is very long and damp at themoment so didn't bother.

So many questions....!!! Better stop for now. Willput some pics of the little guy on later on today when I get home fromwork - got customers now so have to go!

Thanks so much.

Shredded paper should be just fine if used asbedding. but beware when buying wood shavings; make sure you avoid pineand red cedar woods. They can cause repiratory problems in the longrun.


What breed is Bugsy? Most rabbits (rexes beingthe exception) are fine to live on concrete flooring, I know quite afew people that have their rabbits living on concrete because it issafer (rabbits can't dig out and nothing can dig in) and cleaner. Ofcourse if you wanted your rabbit to be able to graze on the grass youcould let him have some time out on the lawn each day but it isn'tnecessary as long as he has plenty of hay to eat.

I would also agree with putting a litter tray in the hutch, most rabbits will go in the corner so try putting one there.;)
Oh, and also, shredded newspaper is fine to usefor bedding however he will need something warmer in his bed area suchas hay or straw, I'd recommend straw for the winter because it is moreinsulating than hay so will keep him warmer.:)
Thanks for all the replies and the welcome!

So sorry not so have answered earlier but I've been in bed with ahorrible virus thing :?- just got up now to let my kids knowI'm still around.

We do use straw and the shredded paper as bedding and he seems to like it.

We're going to try alitter tray in the hutch at the weekend -need a slightly smaller one though. We've only had him amonth and this week he spent an hour or two with us in the house over afew evenings and has used the tray the whole time - I was so proud ofhim!

It's vaccination day for Bugsy tomorrow - his first ones!NEVER been to a vet before in my life - one rabbit and the world is sofull of new experiences! :DI'll see if they know what breedhe is although he does look a bit like Nicole_Lucky's but Bugsy's earsmay be slightly longer - markings arequite similar.
We took Bugsy for 1st vet visit today for vacsand found out 'he' is a 'she'! I must admit I warned my daughter thismight be the case - never can trust those pet shops.

Even the vet was a bit unsure though - he got out a book withcomparitive pictures and what a sight we were - the vet, me and my 7year old, Olivia, peering at the bunny's privates and then atthe book over and over again. " Poor Bugsy" says Olivia "I'm glad itisn't so difficult to see what I am, I wouldn't want people looking atmy bits like that!" I could have DIED!

Anyway, alls well - and Bugsy appears to be in good shape andnone the worse for the ordeal.

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