Well-Known Member
Hello there
We have a 10 week old outdoor bunny called Bugsy - I know, not a veryoriginal name...anyway. We've had him for 3-4 weeks and atthe moment we keep him on our patio but I wonder what I should put downfor his feet as he's never on the grass? Are the grass matsI've seen the only option?
Our one area of lawn isn't very even so putting the run on it wouldbring it's own problems - and the other area is too small for the runwhich we made so it's quite big.
He uses a litter tray during the day, but as I puthim to bedeach night inside the hutchhe has to use the hutch until welet him out in the morning - perhaps that isn't fair? What do you think?
He's such a cutie - just love the way he runs like an idiot around and around the run each morning binkying.
I have lots of questions :?but I'll save them for another time!
We have a 10 week old outdoor bunny called Bugsy - I know, not a veryoriginal name...anyway. We've had him for 3-4 weeks and atthe moment we keep him on our patio but I wonder what I should put downfor his feet as he's never on the grass? Are the grass matsI've seen the only option?
Our one area of lawn isn't very even so putting the run on it wouldbring it's own problems - and the other area is too small for the runwhich we made so it's quite big.
He uses a litter tray during the day, but as I puthim to bedeach night inside the hutchhe has to use the hutch until welet him out in the morning - perhaps that isn't fair? What do you think?
He's such a cutie - just love the way he runs like an idiot around and around the run each morning binkying.
I have lots of questions :?but I'll save them for another time!