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Well you're lucky aren't you? That doesn't help me at all....... LOL

Good luckwith the cage! I'm sure i'll talk to you tomorrow...

Until then,

- Lyndsy -:)
I know, it seems time is just standing still. Youdo a load of laundry empty the dishwasher, and dust and vaccume andonly an hour has gone by...

Such as life I guess...:)

42 minutes until it's TWO DAYS LEFT!!!

59, 58, 57, 56, 55, 54, 53, 52....

* tick tock * tick tock * tick tock * tick tock *

C'Mmmmonnnnnnnn!!! :X


I made it through another day!

Last one, and it's a busy one...


clean out cage and bowls and bottles

and my friend is dropping her baby off for me to watch as well for the day!

busy busy busy!
Days toGo!

Getting down there, but still not soon enough

days until the Party Begins!

Here's Tucker!


And here's Buster!


Congratulations! I am so happy that you'llfinally be able to welcome your little boys into your home!! Thepicture of them that you posted is adorable! It looked like there werequite a few buns in the picture.... how big of a litter was it thatthey came from?

Keep us posted on how the big day goes! You have got to be bouncing off the walls from excitement!!!

:) Annie
They were the only two from the litter the others are waiting to be picked up as well...

Carolyn thanks for putting up those pics, gosh they are cute aren't they? LOL

Sandhills I most definatly will keep you posted on the day...

Lana you're absolutly right, the day has gone by fairly qiuck. I did myshopping and now the little one is going down for a nap, so I willstart my cleaning.

Later on Lost the tv show is on, so I will be watching that and king ofqueens, while I help my husband biuld some magic for the ton of orderswe have.

Phew... let me catch my breath,

So all in all it's a busy one...:shock:

but, I'll keep poping in to see what's going on,

I was told when they were just tiny, that Tucker was a blue cream tort, and Buster was a cream agouti.

I'm not too sure what that means, but they are cute! I'll have to putup the funniest picture of Buster, he has such the personality, thebreeder was telling me for weeks that he lays with his legs kicked out,and it is just the funniest thing she's ever seen a BABY rabit dobefore. (she said she's going to miss them the most, she's grown quiteattached to them)

I'll find it in my email and put it up for you!


You better have film loaded and ready for their first day home, Lyndsy.

How many other pictures are you hoarding over there?


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