JULY 9, 2005 - Boathouse Bunnies Party

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Carolyn wrote:
It's with a bow of your head,

"Thank You".

Raise head up and with one more bow and in one breath:


You must take after your mother in that regard!!!!
Gimme a break! I do it my way, lady!

I edited the post. Will you get offmy now?!


See how much you have to learn from me?!

bunsforlife wrote:
Well Laura... there is that uncanny likeness....



Told ya so, Laura! :rofl:


The one taken with your daughter, FreddysMom, and Freddyon Sunday.

Ohhhhhhh Boy!!!

You actually Went There.

You Little So-N-So.

Ohhhh I got some good news!

I get to go to the BBQ!!!!

Put in my request for the day off and they found coverage... no more ofme scrounging and begging coworkers to cover for me! Yay!

So I am gunna bring some desserts =) Punkin Cheesecake and maybe an Eclair Cake... have to decide on the secondary dessert ;)