JULY 9, 2005 - Boathouse Bunnies Party

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Oh YeahBaby!!!

Ground Fountains,Whirly-Gigs, Spinners, W00-HOO!

I'd bring some but I'dprobablyget busted for bringing them across country or something!:shock:

Yeah, we're kind of limited to what we can purchase here in NJ.

I'll have to go into PA to get something worthwhile.


*** " But I truly thought those were fancy roadflares, officer!! " ***
mambo101 wrote:
Idoubt you'll get anything worthwhile in PA. We have to drive to Ohiofor anything worthwhile.
We can get sparklers and sets of mostly ground-fountain-type at a placejust over the state line. Like I said nothing too fancy, but I think itwill serve the purpose.

We used to stop at "South of the Boarder" and stock up, but we haven't driven that path in a while.

I used to buy really good ***coughillegalcough*** fireworks in NY City.However, since 9/11 you really can't find that kind of stuff veryeasily anymore.

Sparklies and fountains will have to do:magicwand:

That's great, Jim. The kids (me,included) will love the sparklers. I love to run around withone going in my hand, swinging my arms and dancing around. Ifeel like I'm ten years old again every time.

Remember trying to write your name with those?


You can buy them in CT now too. I wasplanning on picking some up as well as long as Caro said it wasokay. I know the fountains are just overgrown sparklers, butI still like them and think they are purdy!

Okay... I really should get back to work. And YAY for Helen coming ::smiles::

How many more days Jim?!
So that's where the idiots who are setting offfireworks up the street RIGHT OVER PEOPLE'S ROOVES are getting them,ayglnu.

mambo101 wrote:
Idoubt you'll get anything worthwhile in PA. We have to drive to Ohiofor anything worthwhile.:race:
Most Ohio people think you have to go out of state to find fun as well.

Well, at least at my area we go to Indiana for fun! :ele:

Ohhhh yeah, you can buy fireworks in Ohio but can't shoot them off in Ohio. That doesn't stop some people tho. :foreheadsmack:

JimD wrote:
NightPoet00 wrote:
So that'swhere the idiots who are setting off fireworks up the street RIGHT OVERPEOPLE'S ROOVES are getting them, ayglnu.

Hehe I don't mean you, silly! I live pretty much in Boston,and in a very crowded area. People set off the darn fireworksso they go off only about 10 feet over the rooves. It scaresme a little. Good thing I'm moving next week to a differentpart of the city!
Ya I live in thewoods...on a huge lake....so people shoot them off all the time, eventhrough out the year. We aren't really supposed to shoot them off, butthe nearest police station is like 20 miles away and the only way theywould know we were shooting them off it is some one called them:D


Thats were we live :)

In the middle of no where....

Here is the lake I live on :)

It is really nice here, but very boring.The only thing the my town ever does is a parade on the fourth of July,its called the Horribles parade....and it really lives up to itsname.

My dad lives in SC and you can get sickkkkkkkkkkfireworks there.. there are warehouses full of them and cheap too! Lastsummer we got a whole bunch of mortars, rockets, and whole bunch ofother stuff and spent the whole night firing them off .. so much fun ..good thing i fly down there, or id be tempted to bring some back! Imstill kick n screaming trying to get the day off .. but like i saidbefore i will be there sunday the latest;)..............andhow awesome is that, that Helen is coming what a strong woman!!


i live on a lake too Amy, but everyone is sooooooo stuck up....theywill even make complaints to the policeif they hear your dogbarking......they dohold a ton of activities tho..but limitedto the lake community...we even have our bar/restaurant that non lakelivers are not encouraged to attend unless they are a guest...prettystupid stuff eh?
I thought of getting fireworks myself, but I didn't think the bunnies would appreciate it. :?

* * * * *

Beautiful home for a Beautiful Person, Amy. :)


Amy, I love yourlake! It reminds me of the lake in Wisconsin whereour family owns property and I always vacationed as a child. I rarelyget to go now, but somedayI'll inherit the property and thenI wish to live there as a recluse and do nothing butsit onthe dock,look over the water and watch the world goround.



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