jon and kate plus 8

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I love this show! I think that you probably do have to be a bit strict when it comes to messy things when you have 8 children! I can't imagine having 1 at the moment, let alone 8. Did anyone see the episode(s) where all of the children were sick with a stomach flu? I think that I would have had a mental breakdown!

Oh, and I SO wish I could rock her haircut! I would look ridiculous, but she looks gorgeous with it, I like the way she dresses too.
AH! This bugs me too. Actually SHE bugs me. I really tried to give her the benefit of the doubt but she has said/stated things beyond the line... And the whining, oh dear she is worse than her kids sometimes! There was one episode where they were preparing for holidays and she decided she had to get her hair done- she was at a salon all afternoon while the kids were with family and Jon was working. She forgot to return a car for Jon to load up a trailer and their holiday items with and she made a huge fuss about it when she saw him. He had to do all the work and she was complaining about wanting him to come home and wrangle the kids for her, he said one line that said it all: 'you just spent the afternoon getting your hair done. No." I think the husband is adorable though, and the kids. Its a cute show regardless of personalities.

My parents gave us magic markers, and the paint sets where you brush water over it and colors appear when they didn't want to deal with mess. There is always a way around it I think while still allowing kids to be creative.

purplepeacock wrote:
Haley wrote:
I do hate how she belittles her husband though. I feel so bad for the guy, she treats him like the 9th child.

that actually bothers me even more. i feel so bad for him. doug and i don't always agree on things but i never tell him in front of people. and i feel that when people have kids they need to value their partner especially in front of the kids so that the kids respect both parents. so i have to admit that a lot of times i just want to poke her eyes out when she talks.
having multiple births is common using fertility drugs. you have to go thru a lot of counciling before they will even put you on them. she knew the risks and knew there was a chance that she could very well get pregnant with more than one. so i don't buy her sob story about how it's a nightmare. she knew it was a possibility. and there is no reason for her to talk to her husband the way she does. i used to live in central PA where there are a lot of amish and mennonite women. they were our neighbors and they have well over 12 kids. you don't see them whining about it and slapping their husbands. she also has a nanny that comes in the morning to take the kids so she can go out.....i think a lot of stay at home moms even with 1 kid would love to have that.
i know i would go crazy with all those kids!!

i think some people can handle it, and others just can't. i can't stand five minutes in my moms kindergarten class.

oh, and not to sound all smart aleckish and all that but i don't think the amish kids get to use markers and paint. but again i am not sure.
it depends on which sect of amish they are. there aren't that many old order amish sects left in PA. when i was really little ....b/f we ever moved to parents used to come to PA every year for vacation and we'd always meet up with this amish family. i loved it. we'd spend the day on the farm and i'd get to play with all the kids. i remember one year they had a pet the amish do love their icecream that's for sure. their homes are fairly neat but they also don't have a lot of material stuff cluttering it up. i used to teach headstart. nothing like a room of 20 3,4,and 5 year olds making noise. i loved it though. i miss teaching so much. eventually you don't even hear the noise anymore.
purplepeacock wrote:
i miss teaching so much. eventually you don't even hear the noise anymore.
That's very true, because 20 kids five and under in one room could very well make you go deaf, LOL. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids to death, but I am definalty ready for school to start again! :biggrin2:
I must say, that I am a Kate fan! She might be anal and a little snippy sometimes, but she is so well organized and is great with the discipline.

Some mom's might just say screw it and let them run wild. I thinks she manages wonderfully.
I love the show, but Kate does drive me kinda nuts. I have 3 kids (now mostly grown), but I did entertain many of their friends often, and it was a pain to keep everyone and everything clean. However, I think that Kate needs to at least allow the older girls to have some things like paint and markers. I often feel sorry for the twins because it does seem like the family's focus is on the sextuplets. I don't know how I'd deal, tho.

It's always annoying how she treats Jon....I'm not always sweetness and light with my dh, but I think Kate is pretty mean to him. I guess it works for them, tho.

There's a new episode that'll air on Monday, btw.

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