JimD's Warren

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...pile of NIC grids cartons behind NIC add-on.

That's the witdh of the add-on we're planning on. They'll come out another grid and will have the cage behind that
This is Binkie in her current setup. The new one will come out anoter grid.
Here's Tootsie in her current setup. You can'tsee her face, but she's not happy that Binkie took up some of her space(just for now...not much longer!)
The NIC grids go down and around the end of her cage. It gives her some room, but cetainly not enough.
Her new setup will give her the run of the exercise area during theday, and then the others will get runtime when we get home. Theexercise area is going to be the common area...we hope. After they allget finished marking it that is ;).
This is the current bunnieroom.

L>R top is Brindle..Benji..Chippy

L bottom is Binkie, before we put on the extra NIC grids. And R bottom is Rosieroo.
S'more and MooShu are on the funiture down at the end.

Before we got Tootsie, the expen was set up on the other side of theroom. We had a ramp for the bunnies on the top, and they would eachhave time to run up & down & round & round.
Tootsie's setup takes up the entire expen area. And that part of the reason we're moving the buns to the new room.
Here's the layout we're going to use in the new bunnie room....
I'm goning to try to post some pics today.
The setting on the cam are still not right and I'm still learning how to use the edit program we have. Wish me luck!!!

This is the first attempt....

....a S'more snuggle
SOOOSKA wrote:
That's so cute Jim. Do you have a Baby blanket on your shoulder?

...ummmmmm,yeah....Care Bears I think :D
Here's another one from the same day. We hadjust finished up clipping her nails and trimming the poopie-butt-mats.Lots of "huffing & squeaking" was going on, but she finalysettled down for some TLC....
Me: "Why is there hay all over your cage, ...and where did it come from??"

Binkie: "You mean this hay?"
Me: ***noticing bag of hay by Binkie's cage, with bottom RIPPED open***
"Binkie did you do this??"

Binkie: "What?"
Output doesn't lie. This litter pan was clean the night before, and she managed to get it overflowing by morning:disgust:
Oh this is to funny. Do you have a better picture of the cage set up? I want to add something to there cages for them.

This is my day for typos.