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JAK Rabbitry

Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2006
Reaction score
Freedom/Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
So imme be on tv. Anyoen get KDKA? Me. Morning show. Angoras. Jan 30th I thinks. More info later.

You watch, you like. Be proud to know a star. Me.

If anyone can find a live feed off hte internet to post on here that'dbe grand....or if anyone knows an easy way to tape it and get it onitnernet.

We get KDKA!!!!!!! Can you postanother reminder the daybefore - I have so much going on thatI can's remember my own name anymore LOL

Your Pam Nock.
And you think i'm the best.

Glad I could help.

I'll try and post a day before reminder, I might get busy and forget. Ijust groomed all my angoras today....whata pain in the arse. I dont'get much time to groom them, I don't let them get horrible but it stilltakes me like 30 minutes to brush out one bunny. And poor Io had somuch junk and wood chips and hay and poo stuck to his tail that I endedup just buzzing his tail and now he has a little rat tail. Itsridiculous...but adds character.... I can groom that one daily and he'dstill be a handful the following day. I don't know how he does it.
Wow congrats on getting on TV, pity I can't watch it in NZ!

Do the angoras really take that much work? I have a very long haird fuzzy lop and he usually only needs a brush once a week.
Is your fuzzy lop outdoors?

Mine are outdoors and it gets pretty cold here in winter so I stuff theboxes with hay...and that sticks to my bunnies really bad. And thenthey groom themselves like bunnies do...but when they lick their furthey end up rolling it into dread locks. Its thoroughly gross.

Fuzzy Lops are also are a little smaller and don't have mustaches! Butstill...once a wek would be grand. To keep mine in top shape it seemslike they'd havet o be brushed 2-3 times a week. But I dont' alwayshavet he time.
Dude wait, Jan 30th! Another week! It didn't happen yet? Wha'ts wrong with you, woman?

I do...have a way with words... One might say i'm A FLIPPIN' GENIUS as I like to call myself.

You guys are so priviledged to know me.

<3 Rosie.

I think its great how I woke up at 12AM to answer all these responses.
This horrible abdominal cramping i've having....not as great. I think I have to poot....:(

ugh, groggy.
Oh wow I did have 666, lol, I just ruined it though!

Yeah he is outdoors, I do see bits of grass and stuff stuck in hiscoat. He's not an american fuzzy lop, our fuzzies are bigger andsometimes called cashmere lops. Probably weighs about 4.5 pounds maybe?I did have to shave heaps of his fur off when I got him. And it'ssummer here right now so he must be hairy-er in winter,
Ah, I assumed fuzzy lop was a.....Fuzzy Lop.Very similar though. I don't have too much XP inteh way of Am Fuzziesbut ...Am Fuzzy...Cashmere lop....both abou the same weight...loppedears...and ridiculous looking. We're int he same ballpark. I hatebaseball.

I ended up not sleeping well.....fricking dog. He thinks he's a humanso he doesn't try to wake me up like a normal dog. No, he smacks hispaw in my face. And then uses his arm to shake me. He likes to act likea human. Again last night he hopped up on the bed and wiggled his wayin between Erron and I and passed out. Plesae note there was only likea 3 inch gap here. But both of us hasto scoot over and make room for''the baby''.

If I'm talking about Seth and I don't say he's a dog...people think Ihave a kid. MY aunt says not to tell him he's a dog, it will break hisheart.
Aww...I love Seth already...what acutie! I love that picture of him laying on the bed withyou...that's too funny!! :D

Aww...puppies...*heart melting*

Haha, he's over a year old and we still call him'puppy''. He gets caleld pretty much everything except his name. mostlythings like '' Dum Dum'' , ''Stupid'', '' Puppy" ""puppytarded"

Really he's super dumb but we love him so much he's so super sweet too.Last night Er and I are laying in bed....and my bed sits into the wallso Erron's side is the only entrance.... and There's a nice spacebetween Er's feet and the bottom of the bed and Seth comes over tostand next to u and start whimpering, obviously wanted to be ont eh bedwith us.... I tap the space on the bottom of the bed and say ''c'mon!c'mon Stupy boy! c'mon! jump! " He turns in circles and whimpers louderand louder, obviously comfused....and ii'm slappign the bed trying toget him to come onto the bed and in a bout of pure stupid....runs tothe top of the bed and jumps on Erron's chest...crawls over top ofme...puts his man sack in my face...and curls up at the foot of thebed.

Erron and I are clearing the dog hair from our mouths and we just lookat each other. The look that means '' yeah...he's really dumb...but Ilove him too.'' Soemtiems the look means '' he gets it from yourside''.

We've also been outside and i'll call him when it's time to comeinside...and he sits his arse down and doesn't move. So I havet o actlike i'm leaving anyways. '' mommy's gonna leave you in the store...''and I turn my back to him and start running away and I hear him comepounding after me. I keep walking and next I know...Seth crashes intothe back of my legs and sends us both tumbling down the hill. Then hegets up and is all confused. And I dumped rabbit food everywhere.

He's also deathyl afraid of water. Not just andthe creek. He's also afraid of anything smaller than him...andbutterflies. Yes, butterflies.

I buy him all these toys and chewables...and he prefers to play with a rag. And man does he have a ball.

I buy him treats and stuff....but when I give them to him, he spits itont he floor and plays with it, ot just sucks on it and carries itaround the yard like he doesthe its a toy.

He refused t eat a piece of steak Igave him...but will gladly eat sand.We havea lab that he looks up to a lot...and she was laying in thesandbox chewing a ball...and Ig uess he thuoght she was eating sand. Sohe was going to eat sand too.

We throw the ball for him and he's all excited and goes after it...butonce he gets to it he gets bored and leaves. ADDog. And when we tossthe ball up in the air...he rears up real high and actually tries to''catch'' it with his front paws. He's succeeded very few times.

I've done some pretty dumb things in my life time....maybe he does get it from me.

1. Hehe...we do that with our cat,Hobbes. He's quite lacking in brain-usage-abilities,too. I call him my big oaf...he's about 15lbs, and just notall that graceful or wise. My husband and I do the samething..."he gets if from YOUR side"..hehe!

2. So this means he's afraid of just about everything, right? Hehe...he's a big boy!

Hey...what mix is he? He's gorgeous!

And I LOVED the video of him playing. You guys have a GREAT dynamic!! :D

JAK Rabbitry wrote:
1. Erron and I are clearing the dog hair from our mouths andwe just look at each other. The look that means '' yeah...he's reallydumb...but I love him too.'' Soemtiems the look means '' he gets itfrom your side''.

2. He's also afraid of anything smaller than him...and butterflies. Yes, butterflies.

Seth is a german sheperd X Timberwolf.


He's not wolfy in ANY way othre than appearance. I think he'snot half wolf when I interact with hima nd stuff....butt hoseblue-white-yellow eyes say something different.

When I first bruoht him home, my uncle (who's abit of a nature-man...okhe's a nature nut, survival, mountain man...thing) Was lookin' at Sethand he says ''what is he?'' I said half German Sheperd and halfsomething else. Hey says '' I'll bet I know what his other half is.."

MY dad at the time was EXTREMELY predjudiced against wolfdogs.Apparently they eat babies and steal our jobs and support terrorism.The whole enchilada. My dad HATED wolfdogs. wAnted nothing to dow iththem. Oh yeah...did I mention he threateend to kick us all out ifanybody brought another animal home? The odds were kind ofagainst me.

I found Seth at the pet store I worked at. I wasn't a big dog fan,nothing agsint dogs, I jsut preferred...bunnies. I saw Seththere right before xmas. HE howled the entire time (I didn't heat himbark EVER until he was like, 8 months old). He seemed so sad. I nevereven bothered to hold him or play with him....I just went in back,grabbed him, I told my boss I was taking him, I gave Dave a deposit onthe dog and he gave me warning about wolfdogs and how they can get meanblah blah blah and we went home. I've NEVER heard SEth growl. I'veNEVER seen SEth show one teeny tiny ounce of aggression. Even when heplay fights with Maggie...he never even bares his teeth. You saw in tehvideo when I'd lunge at him and he'd immediately drop the rag and run.HE's incredibly submissive.

So we're eating dinner that night and mum agreed she'd help break thenews to dad that I brought home a dog. (VERY unlike me). And he'seating dinner and she's like '' well...your daughter did somethingcompulsive today.."
I'll bet he was thinking... compulsive? You mean like steal the car anddrive it off a cliff? Compulsive like smoked a doobie and got arrested?Compulsive like stole some expensive car speakers from Walmart? Orperhaps you mean compulsive like oh...I dunno... burning down a portionof our house?

Anyways...the fork hit the plate and he just...stopped. Probably havesomething not quite unlike a mild heart attack. I was proud he stayedso quiet...i'm sure his blood vessels were raging an all out waroutside of his skull, beggign to explode. So mum broke the news aboutthe dog. and Dad acted ...surprisingly calm. Calmlike...serene....almost like he'd been hit in the head with a largewooden club. Ah yes, my father remained calm. Mum said ''justlook at him..." And I bruoght the dog out and Dad just keept saying ''I don't wanna see him. I don't wanna see him. "
There was just absolutely no comment. And then about an hour later Iget THE speech. Y'know the one you get when you compulsively bring homea puppy without telling anyone ? "You're goign to feed him...and takecare of him...and clean up after him..." And I gave him theyou-should-be-glad-my-impulsiveness-didn't-burn-down-the-house speech.Which went something like this: " Yes Yes! I promise! I will! Ipromise! Yes Daddy Thank you! I love you! "

I evenetually told mum about Seth's other side....I let her get goodand attached tot hem first. I told her not to tell dad. Dad wasstartign to come around, and really liked taking Seth out to throw theball for him and Maggie, our lab. Mum said ''well since you shared asecret with me...its my turn...."
"That ding in the back of the van I told your father I knew nothing about?"
"I hit mailbox."

When I was in San Diego, I was goign to take Seth to a kennel were myfriend worked...abiding by the ''you're responsible for your dog we'renot goign to clean up after him blah blah blah we're being perantish bysaying this''. But mum and dad were like '' no no don't waste yourmoney we'llt ake care of him go have fun! Tell me when you're ready tocome home!''. While i'm away i'm talkign to mum ont he phoneand mum's like ''I told your dad about Seth'' and I was like ''WHAT!?'' But I guess it didn't phase him one bit. PWNED! My dad was inlove with my dog. My big stupid wolfdog. I could hear him in thebackground harassing Seth, trying to get him to play with something. Ifelt quite relieved.

So now i'm in the process of trying to move out, obviously Seth will becoming with me. Mum told me the other night ''Your dad said 'naw naw hecan stay here i'll take care of him he's a good dog...' "

Which sent us both in hysterics...her trying to do the big dumb dad voice. haha.

So thats the Seth Story. I should sell it.

Phenomenal...wonderful...I love your family already. :)

And your mom hitting the mailbox...classic! My mother gave meher car when she bought a new one, and it was all dinged up by the timeI got it. She once actually ran the front of the car UNDER abig rig...can you believe that? Her accidents are quitesensational.

Me? The only thing that's happened to that car since I've hadit was a lady in a minivan ramming my back end when I was turning offthe freeway. I knew it was gonna happen. She lookedreally impatient, I was about to turn, but decided to wait because Isaw a car coming where I was going to turn (we had a red light, I wasturning right), realized it was going too fast for me to turn, weighedthe damage I would receive from being rear-ended vs being T'd...anddecided I liked the odds of being hit in the rear. Mydaughter didn't like my choice much (though I'm sure she would haveprefered it had she known the alternative...the car would've hit on herside...probably right where she was sitting), and the lady felt REALLYbad when she saw I had a young child in the backseat.Thankfully, absolutely no injury occurred on either end...and the car'srear bumper has so many scuffs from my mom's rediculous driving skillsthat you couldn't see any difference! Haha!

My first accident, though, was the reverse...on my ex-boyfriend'sbirthday...within a month of getting my first car. TOTALLYrammed a guy...but thankfully he had a truck...with a rather largetrailer hitch on the back. His truck was absolutelyfine. The beautifully-rounded front end of myGalant? Not so fine. Needless to had awhole NEW shape! My ex got out and handled things with I sat in absolute shock in the driver's seat...jaw in my lap.

Oh wait! I just remembered...I did actually hit someone in mycurrent car! And it was my husband! Hehe...when wemoved in together (about three years ago), we were driving away withthe final load of my stuff, and as he went to turn, and then decidednot to (the reverse of the above, basically), I wound up tapping histruck's bumper. Haha!! I literally did just tap it,though...absolutely no damage on either end (though, like I said, mycar's got so many scuffs, I wouldn't have been able to see it if thereWERE any additional damage!). My husband just laughed,checked to see if I was okay, and off we went. :DHe's a prince...:D

Anyway...Seth's awesome...and yes, very sweet and submissive. :)

Its almost impossible not to love my family. Wealways tell each other we belong on a reality show because of all thedrama and crazy crap that happens daily. Like when my brother went downthe street to his friend's house....and got really the dadcalls and is like '' uh your kid is drunk and throwing up ALL OVER myhouse'' thent he dad drives my brother home....and he's alsodrunk...and then my brother comes home and throws up all over OURhouse. yay.

Or when my mum had just put my little sister in her carseat in thedriveway...and the phone on the inside of the basement door rang so shewent to answer it...and while she was ont he phone...our van blewup. My mum ran and got my sister out....she was fine....thenran in the garage and crawled up into our boat, stole the fireextinguisher and took care of that. Our van was brand spankin' new. Andall teh plsatic was burnt and melted and stinky. So my dad called upwhoever and was like '' my van exploded fix it''. And theycame with a big trailor to ship it back to where it wasmade...coincidentally in Indiana. They supposedly fixed it and broughtit backand the trailor showed up in our driveway and....the vanwouldn't start. So we couldn't get it off the trailor. Nice. so theyhad to drive it all the way back. They drove it startedfine...they felt bad and installed a free dvd played in our van. Whichdoesn't work. Our radio went out a year or two later. Sometimes theturn signal doesn't work. I told mum she should have sued those people.My sister almost got dead.

Oh, and the neighbors think we're crazy because we have a bajillion pets.

And my mum works at the airport....thats comedy all by itself there.When everyone at US Airways was getting laid off...everyone didn'treally care about their jobs. When customers were rude...they'd be ruderight back. The one woman had to tell a man his flight was delayed orsomething and the guy was like '' YOUG OTTA BE F***in' KIDDING ME! Andhe threw his pen at her desk in frustration. She picked up a pen andthrew it backa t him and said ''NO IM NOT F***ing KIDDING YOU!! andthen she kinda realized what she said and was like oh snap.... but theguy just shock..and was like '' oh...I gues...Ishouldn't've said that...''
HAHA!!!! I would've loved to have seen the guy's funny!


JAK Rabbitry wrote:
And my mum works at the airport....thats comedy all by itself there.When everyone at US Airways was getting laid off...everyone didn'treally care about their jobs. When customers were rude...they'd be ruderight back. The one woman had to tell a man his flight was delayed orsomething and the guy was like '' YOUG OTTA BE F***in' KIDDING ME! Andhe threw his pen at her desk in frustration. She picked up a pen andthrew it backa t him and said ''NO IM NOT F***ing KIDDING YOU!! andthen she kinda realized what she said and was like oh snap.... but theguy just shock..and was like '' oh...I gues...Ishouldn't've said that...''
Mum's friend I guess was talking to some dudethe other day at airport...and the guy just talk and talks and talksand she's trying to ask him questions and help him out but he's justsaying stuff that totally doesn't matter....she got really fed up withhim and said '' GO TO THE TOP OF YOUR HEAD.....AND FIND THE POINT!!!"

People also standing in line at baggage check in....of course y ou haveto have your ID. People waiting in line...the one guy in line keepsputting his ID in his mouth and he finallygets up to the counter andtries to hand mum's friend his ID and the guy says REALLY loudly: "SIR! I CANT TOUCH THAT! YOU HAD THAT IN YOR [sub][sup]MOUTH! ITSFLU SEASON YOU KNOW!!!

I guess he was really embarassed afterwards.

why is my font all stupid...??


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