Mike - Camera Corner Mod
Jersey Wooly
Jersey Wooly rabbits are relatively small - not over 3.5 pounds ideal adult weight - but with very long fur ("wool") which is made up of long, thick guard hairs - 1.5 to 3 inches long - with a shorter coarser "underwool" underneath. They have short ears and round heads, like Netherland Dwarfs.
Jersey Wooly rabbits come in many colors:
Agouti Chestnut (?) color:
Broken Chocolate (?):
Jersey Wooly rabbits are relatively small - not over 3.5 pounds ideal adult weight - but with very long fur ("wool") which is made up of long, thick guard hairs - 1.5 to 3 inches long - with a shorter coarser "underwool" underneath. They have short ears and round heads, like Netherland Dwarfs.
Jersey Wooly rabbits come in many colors:
- Agouti: Chestnut, Chinchilla, Opal or Squirrel
- Pointed White: Black or Blue nose, ears, feet and tail on a white body
- Broken: White body with colored ears, around the eyes and a "butterfly" on the nose, as well as patches or spots of color on the body.
- Self (same color all over body): Black, Blue, Blue-eyed White (BEW), Chocolate, Lilac, Ruby-eyed White (REW)
- Shaded (color shades from darker on face, ears, feet and tail, to lighter color): Blue Tortoiseshell (blue/fawn), Sable Point (sepia/cream), Seal (dark sepia/lighter sepia), Siamese Sable (sepia/light sepia), Smoke Pearl (smoke gray/pearl gray), Tortoiseshell (black/orange/cream)
- Tan (similar markings to Tan rabbit): Black Otter (black/orange), Blue Otter (bue/fawn), Sable Marten (dark sepia/white), Silver Marten (black, blue, chocolate or lilac/smoke gray or white, with silver ticking (longer guard hairs with silver tips)), Smoke Pearl Marten (smoke gray/silver white)
Agouti Chestnut (?) color:

Broken Chocolate (?):

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