Lately has been crazy. I've been helpping my sister a lot seed and hay her yard since she had it all leveled. My hands are sore now from digging and filling in pot holes that didnt get finished. Ugh.
I also just got a car! I've been with out one for a year and a half - no need for one much since I dont work and my sister always wants to drive if I go anywhere. lol.
Not anymore! I got my own car and IM DRIVIN! lol
Jelly Bean has seemed to start going to the litter box correctly again. Thank You Lord! He's been getting lettus lately and is almost grumpy if he doesnt get this salad!
He has also learned if he goes wild on the cardboard bottom and rips it up he gets out for longer because I've got to re bottom the cage and clean it all up. Smart little bugger. Gotta love him!!
hello. What a lovely family of yours. Does your Jelly bean enjoy strawberries ? I saw his picture eating one. My girl doesn't like it at all. I gave her and it laid there till I cleaned it up. Nice to meet you. Can't wait to see more.
Hello Vircia!
Thank you very much. It's nice to meet you also. Jelly Bean doesnt care much for them. I ate half the strawberry before I let him taste it. He ate.. half what I gave him and I cleaned up the rest!
He liked his first.. 3 bannana chips - let me buy a bag, then decided he doesnt want them. lol. Pickie lil guy!
Jelly bean has figured out something that gets my attention. He loves to chew his cardboard cage bottom up.. but now he likes to bite it, pull.. and let it slap the cage floor. It makes this *ting - thump* noise that he thinks is his "servant Bell." This morning it worked just like he planned. 7:30AM and his "bell" is ringing enough to wake me up. His salad was served with messy hair and rumpled clothes. I crawled back in bed hoping to sleep in today... 15 mins later the bell is ringing again. I gave up after half hour and gave him his hay and pellets. Seemed to do the trick, apparently breakfast isnt over until hes got pellets to wash it down with.
He also snuck out of his room today into the hall but I caught him before he got to far. I'm trying those floam like click together square thingys for the bottom of his cage. I only bought one set to see if he chews them to bits or if they will work. Hoping he leaves them be!
On other topics, apparently we have ourself a back yard bear. My husband was out digging a water line ditch when he heard it and came to the house. lol. I cant blame him. Curious though, I went out and we sat to listen and we heard it again. Our neighbors at the top of the hill said they saw it at the pond. Yay us. We called the wild life dept. but they just said "stay out of its way." Nice of them. lol. They arent the ones with a 2 yr old and pets on the property. Let alone my dad who works nights and walking through the yard has heard it snort at him. Apparently its no Winnie the Pooh. So.. now we are praying that the bear moves on. We are surrounded by woods, so we would rather it be much further into them!
We have seen a deer *doe* the last couple weeks close to our house. She would snort and stomp and run away. We saw her before we knew about the bear of course. My husband is a hunter and this makes him excited. I love them ALIVE. lol. Not that I dont think the meat is good.. but they are so pretty. Anyways! We kept believing she had a baby.. well turns out we are correct.
My sister is my neighbor.. She went out this morning to set the trash out and got snorted at before the doe ran. This is the first time she has personally seen it. Today though, we saw the reason she has staied around. Not one.. nope not two.. THREE beautiful babys!
The photo was taken with an Iphone the only thing my sister could find at the time. Arent they cute? Of course the mail would run at exactly the same time she snapped this photo and they were gone. They are still around just tucked into the buches and trees some more. My husband and I are going to set out some corn and such to feed the darlings. He wants to set up his trail camera also, so if we do and we get photos there will be more coming! I hope they stay around here for a while.:inlove:
Dave, I love living in the country. I lived in PA for 4 years in town and I missed the land, room and animals. We moved slightly out side of town and our neighbor fed deer that lived in a skit of woods behind the house. We started throwing out apples every now and then and they would come into our yard. We had peach and apple trees, with acorns so it was so neat to watch them have babys and grow. Glad im back in KY "deep" in the country.
It was pouring the rain today so me and the hubby went outside to listen to the rain and play with the kittens. While relaxing on the porch swing Joey got to see the momma doe for the first time. I bet he thought I was lying to him until he saw the photo of the fawns. He said "She must always wait until I leave for work." lol.
We desided to move Jelly Bean outside. He is on our front porch. Protected from rain and sun. Right now I've got him cooling off with a fan and ice bottle too. He seems to enjoy the fresh air actually. I miss having him inside but with his room being carpet it wasnt working out to great. My husband desided it was time and I kinda agreed. lol. I was the one dealing with it but it "erked"? him somewhat. Jelly Bean doesnt seem to mind though. He is pooping fine, eatting good too. My biggest issue is he wants grass/ hay / treats and half the pellets. lol. With it being a little warmer with him outside I'm glad hes adjusting well.
Glad to hear your bunny is enjoying outdoor space. My girl, when we took her a walk, seemed to enjoy fresh air as well,but she got so frightened when some cars drove by. Poor little girl, she ran as fast as she could to hide in a box. I wish one day when we will have our own house, it will not be so close to the road. So my girl will be able to enjoy sunshine without being paranoid
Pls send some nose rubbing from me to Jelly Bean.
Aww poor little Kimiko! (Correct?) Jelly Bean likes the taller grass next to the road but doesnt like the cars going by so I just make him stay in my yard when we go for walks. It gives me another reason to appreciate living in the country hills. Not much traffic and lots of animals and peace.
Jelly Bean is eatting his pellets... when and because theres nothing left in his cage. lol. Right now he'd rather just have Grass and a treat. My nephew came over last night and wanted to play with him "with his both hands." and then hold him. He looked so cute I wish I would have gotten a photo but it was over quick because he felt the nails on his legs. He's not a fan of claws because my cat Mossy got him quite a few times before we had him declawed. Everyone loved on him for a while and he went back in the cage.. might get him out today and let him run and play for a bit.
I wish I was fast enough to get some gooood binkies on my camera. I love watching him run and play and boy was he having a ball in my 'hobby' room. He even talked me into extra time out of his cage. I'm a softy though so its not to hard. Him and the kittens are getting along very well. When hes in his cage, they are usually laying on top. They get a little jealous when its time to clean his cage, they try to go into it and they climb on my shoulders and 'pet me.' They give him sniffs through the bars and he returns the favor.
About the deer :
My husband set up his trail camera and we have quite a few photos of the doe. We also got a couple of the triplets and the momma. I will try and add another photo of the babys. They are sooo cute!! I love their little spots.
Well.. my cat is running though the house like a horse. Attacking and playing with air. Thats my Mossy!! Now its time to go enjoy the rest of the evening with my husband and get some more reading done!! On my second book by Dee Henderson (The negotiator) in the O'Malley series.. tech. its book one but Im including the prequel and it was awesome!! Looking forward to getting the rest in the mail so I can read them!!
Jelly Bean has had his first marigold flowers today. My mom weeded the dead flowers off and put them in a container for me. We tried a couple in his cage and he loved them. He was sticking his nose out as far as he could. It was very cute. I put the rest of the flower tops on top the cage.. later in the evening I noticed he was streching to the bottom on the container. lol. I gave him the rest for the night. It will give him a nice treat and something do do! I also added some dirt in his cage for added fun.
~* Still going to add photos but Im fighting a headache tonight and the bright screen is not my friend tonight...
Hello, sorry to hear that you're sick ? How are you feeling ? Still headache ? I hope it passed. Marigold flowers ? hmmm... can I copy your idea ? I'm planting pansies for Kimiko, but there's no flowers yet... yep, only leaves. I'm not so good at planting though. However this year is the most successful planting time of my life ! I remember during agricatural classes in high school. Noone wanted to join me for final exam which we had to plant something. :expressionless yeah...pain.
There were first group of people I told about how well I plant now LOL
I hope you feel better soon. :hug2: