I must admit, massagig a newborn kit is just too freaky for me:shock: and warm cloth strokes are better.
Baby has pooped, tiny tiny soft round balls after a feed.
After more reading up, its time to focus a bit on Jazz, I need to check her nipples for mastitis.
She is eating and drinking well and seems settled.
Baby has black fur just behind her head.
I will post more later. I have had 2 hours sleep as my own beautiful baby daughter Sophia (8months old) still has quite nasty colic, I accidentally had some dairy food yesterday and we have had an almost completely sleepless night.
Sophia may not get mentioned much but she is a sling baby (with her me almost ALL the time).
She pulled herself into a sitting position yesterday for the first time.
With all the goings on in the house it would seem that my buns are the center of it all!
Not so, Sophia, Ingrid and Jonah (8 months, 6years, 11 years) get almost all of my time and Jazz and her new kit get the rest.
Today I did a quick 1.5hours housework blitz as soon as the family woke because no housework has been done since Jazz surprised us.
I have to keep the house clean as Jazz, new kit and my kids need it that way (Sophia is learnign to crawl), we live at the beach, my house is a hot wooden bach, there is a water tank right next to it and its very humid so without cleaning, flies and all sorts of issues arise making hygiene is very important factor.
Dad is holding Sophia at the moment, he usually works 12 hours a day or more so to have him home (its Sunday) gives me a chance for a cuppa.
Off for my cuppa:biggrin2:
Update coming after the next feed.
By the way...a HUGE BIG WONDEFUL thank you to all the posts which have given me the most valuable advice, support and even life saving tips for the new baby!!!
There are so many people to thank that its hard to list you all.
Ta muchy moo