Jazz and Spazz

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My husband got something called "Vita Vittles"(these are the pellets) and they are eating Timothy Hay all the time.They are getting to be a little over 2 months old now (I think, hubbywasn't savvy enough to ask the people at the store how old they were,so I asked a day later and someone said "I think 6-7 weeks old".) and Ihear that so young they should be getting unlimited pellets? I could bewrong, I read this somewhere, but it upset their lil bunny tummies whenI increased their amount. They don't stop munching on the hay though!

I will admit, I increased it suddenly, so perhaps I should do increasing little by little.
Here are some updated pics on Jazz and Spazz! They've been getting so big and they loooove their little pen.

Ooo, the trash can. Actually, I think they were more shocked that Imade their pen bigger so they were muy interested about it. I took thetrash can out after I was done completely cleaning their cage.


Here are some binky pictures! I hope you can tell that's what they are. I tried, but they were too fast for my lil camera!



I think it is funny Andi is like "WOAH!" lol!

I decided to get a nose shot. This makes me laugh all the time when I see it.


Oh Spazz, how handsome you are!!

Spazz is the more outgoing one while Jazz is the more antisocial one.


I wanted Jazz to come out so I took the rabbit hut out of their cageand put it in the pen. Of course, this led to some certainconversations I am sure took place.

"Really, I'm a bunny! I swear!"


This led to Jazz coming up to Andi and if you've ever seen Office Space....

"Uhm... ex... excuse me? I think.. I think you have my rabbit hut... and it's my rabbit hut and you have it... it's mine..."


Then it was feeding time. This is how they act EVERY single time wetake out the food. they hear the rustle of the bags and they go nuts!




We think Spazz has more red in his nose than Jazz when they sniff. Another fantastic way to tell them apart!!

Hope you enjoyed the pictures! They're still doing awesome! I am makingthe appointment soon for their neutering, so hopefully that goes well!
Great pics! They are getting so big. They are just a beautiful pair!

Did you ever manage to have them sexed? I would be a bit worried keeping them together as they mature.

And did your sister and brother in law ever adopt a bonded pair? Updates! :D
I haven't had them sexed yet, but I am making apre-neutering visit sometime later on this month. We have enough ofthose organizer thingies to make a smaller cage for one of them and wewill probably seperate them when they start acting funny. So far theyhaven't. When I last checked their privates, it seemed like they wereboth boys (compared them to the graphic photos sent to me via PM) butit'd be much easier to tell if I could see a little ding ding. Do youthink their ding dings would pop out by now? They are probably 3 monthsold now.

As for the rescuing, they haven't gone yet but they are thinking of going this weekend to get some bunnies. :)
Awww how cute! I love these two. I do want them.

Aliciaand The Zoo Crew! (2007)Ringo

Krystalily wrote:
Do you think their ding dings would pop out bynow? They are probably 3 months old now.
I would think the testicles should be descending soon, keep an eye out. ;)It usually happens between 9-20 weeks.

Heres some good pics if you havent seen them already:Viewing amale rabbit

So, the vet doesn't know the sex of both the bunnies thus we arewaiting one more month before neutering/spaying. They both looked likeguys to me the two times I checked, but there are no lil balls yet onthem and the vet just wanted to make sure because she could feelsomething like testicles on one of them. She said their private partslooked the same so she thinks they are the same sex. We are justwaiting to make sure. She was 99.9% sure though that Spazz was a girl.LOL!

So one more month. They got lucky today. ;-)

They were soooo good at the vet. They didn't thump or bite or anything!They were very relaxed with her and they let her poke at their privateparts and look in their ears without a fuss. Also she clipped theirnails and they just laid there calm as a bug ina rug.

Spazz had some wax buildup and so the vet cleaned it out a little withsome qtips. It was so cute because when the vet would go into the earto get out the wax, Spazz would lift up "it's" leg like they were goingto scratch their ear. The vet checked under the microscope to make surethe wax wasn't earmites and Phew for it not being so! I hate givingearmite medicine!

But both bunnies charmed the vet and the secretaries working there. They are such charmers!

I dont care they are cute!

Edit: Can I have them?
Fine. I want new pictures than.
Krystalily wrote:
Oh my gosh, I can't stop laughing at thispic/caption..Hahaha!!:laugh:they are the cutest littletwins!:bunny5:bunny5
This led to Jazz coming up to Andi and if you've ever seen Office Space....

"Uhm... ex... excuse me? I think.. I think you have my rabbit hut... and it's my rabbit hut and you have it... it's mine..."

Sowwy, I got really sick later on Tuesday and itcarried over until Friday. Then my sister and brother-in-law came byand we looked at bunnies! I'll let them tell you guys whotheyadopted but I'll say that they are cuuuute! :bunnydance:

Oh, I cant wait! I was talking to Dominique atthe shelter this past week and told her I thought they were stillinterested. I cant wait to hear who they took home!

Did you get to meet all the bunnies? Did you see Elsie, the lionhead? I want her :D
Haley, Yes I saw Elsie! My husband and I havethis thing for lionheads! Ever since we saw one in a pet store, we'vegiggled and mused at the thought of having one! He was the one whoactually spotted Elsie first. heehee!

There was a very big bunny there that got loose named Lolita. OMG! Itwas sooo funny to watch her hop around the place with her goofy ears. Iswear, I fell in love! There is another bunny there that I have fallenin love with but I don't know their name. It is a mini-lop with themost gorgeous color I have seen! It is the daughter of one of thebunnies there. I am sure if you ask Rochelle which bunny it is, shewould know. It is the bunny in the lower cage to the left of the frontdoor as you come in. I swear, if we had our own place the midway rescuewould be in trouble! We'd be taking all their buns! :D

I tookJazz and Spazzlast week to the vet to getneutered, but the vets there think they are girls! So they are givingus a month to wait so we can bring them back to be certain of the sexbecause the vet didn't want to open up one of the bunnies only to findout they were a boy and then have to wait for the bunny to heal to dothe neutering. To be honest, they had no clue what sex theywere.:shock:But the vet was 99.9% sure that Spazz was a girland that Jazz could be the same because their private parts lookexactly the same. Either way I've been keeping a close eye on them onhow they behave. So far there has been no monkey business. I've talkedto my husband about seperating them so we may be having it so the pencan be the "cage" of one of the bunnies and the cage be the other part.The vet assured me though that nothing would happen and that they weretoo young for it to. I am paranoid though!

Anyhoos, here are some more pictures of Jazz and Spazz! We made it sothere is another level to the cage of their pen. This way Andi catcan't get in and "herd" them around and also they can stay out longer.These guys are little wiggle worms though because they've escaped bysqueezing through a small section of the cage that we cannot corneroff. LOL!


A new toy we bought for them while my sister and brother-in-law were here. They love nudging it around and biting it!


Mmm! Pancakes!


"Excuse me, your butt is in my face"


Andi chased poor Spazz all over the place. I scolded her for being sucha bad kitty but I think she was trying to herd Spazz back to it's cage.Spazz was soo cute hopping all around the apartment though!!!
Today I marked the insides of Spazz and Jazz'sears. It's just been getting too hard to tell them apart (besides theirpersonalities but I figured doing this will help the vet and visitorsto the apartment).

Tomorrow I got called in to work, so that is good. I am feeling tonsbetter! I am going to stop by the store tomorrow and get some cilantrofor the bunnies. I figure might as well start them off with some greensseeing as they are a little over 4 months old (supposively!) I readsomewhere that cilantro is a good "starter" green so cilantro it is! Italso helps that hubby and I love cooking with it. ;)I can'twait until I can make the bunnies their special salads!

Jazz is turning into quite the snuggle bunny. Hates being picked up,but doesn't mind the pets while being held. In fact, when I stoppetting, Jazz will bump my chin for more! :DI'm in loooove.

Spazz is getting adventurous! Today's little romp has inspired him/her to try escaping every chance they get. It's very cute!
Great pics! They are such a pair. I cant believe they are girls, are you getting used to thinking of them as girls yet?

Im glad you had fun at the shelter. Lolita is a character. Theresanother named Franscesca (Frannie) who gets out a lot. I went there onemorning and there she was running around greeting all the otherbunnies. They are all so much fun :D
I felt sorry for teasing with such a shortupdate of pics last time so I updated more. Today marks a milestone forthe bunnies: Their first taste of cilantro!

I can't wait to start making them bunny salads! I'll be monitoring themclosely to make sure it didn't upset their tummies, but I am just sooexcited!

:bunnydance:Onto the pictures!


"You have your camera out. There is no way I'll get in the box now."


"Well.... maybe...."


"Excuse me! Stop taking so many pictures!"


"And feed us! There is no hay in there momma!"


"You're forcing us to fend for ourselves!"


"Now that's what I'm talkin' about!" (Spazz)


"Mmmprh! Oomph... yum! Mmmmmph" (Spazz)


"I dunno.... this stuff smells weird...." (Jazz)


"I guess I better eat it before Spazz does though!" (Jazz)


"Mmph yum!... This is much bettermomma!" (Jazz)


"Damn! She caught me escaping!" (Spazz just hopped over the pen fence,so we have to make another layer now. Spazz loves hopping around theapartment! Luckily for me, Spazz also loves being held!)

Of course, I filled their little hay holder with hay before heading offto bed. They have tons of it laying around in their cage. They love topaw at the hay until it falls out and then they eat it. Of course, theyalways give me that sad look when the hay holder is empty even thoughthey have tons of the stuff in their cage. They're so spoiled!

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