Jaden passed...

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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2004
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, Alberta, Canada
I apologize for such a drastic post..I am not ready to talk about it yet, but have to post because Jaden passed away 4 nights ago while in emergency. Her bonded sister Jezebel is left alone and I am quite worried about her (emotionally)
We are battling an illness right now with Jezebel, but with the excellent care we are getting here~it seems she is on her way to recovery, critical care etc..good poops
But my question is
If anyone has lost one out of a bonded pair, what can I do to help her?
Every morning when I open her cage she bounds out in search of Jaden, disappointed she comes back to the livingroom.
It is breaking my heart, not to mention hers...our vet here (who is a bunny owner herself) suggested a cuddly stuffed animal which Jezebel can snuggle up to when she goes to bed at night but I am worried she will eat it, tear at it ect.
(This Christmas would have been their sixth year together)
thanks guys, I appreciate any input you have
Cher, I am so sorry to hear this! I know how hard it is to lose them so suddenly.

Chase has been the unfortunate bunny who has lost 2 cage mates in 2 years and I know how heart breaking it is to watch them. Shortly after losing his first cage mate,he used to binky over to the fence everytime I went near another cage seeming to think I was going to put his friend out to play with him. About 3 weeks later he stopped doing this.

I will also say that Chase is a destroyer bunny. He will eat and dig and chew at anything but when he lost his last cage mate, I gave him a teddy and he has not chewed on it at all in the month he's had it. So a teddy may be something worth trying out.

Some bunnies do go through a grieving period but they do eventually recover, while others do not. I had one other bunny lose a cage mate and for months I feared that she was not going to recover, she went downhill until I got her another cage mate.

All bunnies are different, you just need to try some different things and see what works or if she will eventually be ok on her own.
Thank you so much ....
I put out a little stuffy and she groomed it, so hubby and I shed some tears. It seemed to perk her up though. I am hesitant about putting it in with her for the night,so for now I will keep an eye on her when she is out with her stuffed animal.
I value your feedback
Oh Cher, I am so very sorry. Jaden and Jezebel were two of the first rabbits I came to 'know' when I joined the Forum.

Like Laura said, it is so heartbreaking seeing the remaining bunny lookinbg for their friend. Pernod was lost without Perry. We gave her a stuffy, and a large picture of Perry, which she licked and lay next to at night. We got Shadow to keep her company, but it took her `10 months (and some pretty nasty fights on her behalf) before she accepted him _ I think she just wanted Perry back! However, when she went to the Bridge, Shadow was desperate for a friend, and I think he would have accepted any bunny. So, I guess you just have to see how Jezebel is on her own before deciding.

Thinking of you

Thank you all so very much for your thoughts, I can't tell you how much it means to me~as well as the encouragement/support for Jezebel.

As far as Jezebel goes, she was the one who started out with what appeared to be an eye infection on November 20th. We are lucky enough to have an extremely rabbit savvy vet here and after seeing both girls, and a few meds later....Jezebel was switched (last week) from an anti-bacterial med to an anti-viral (eye drop) med. Unfortunately we are still waiting for results as to what it was that attacked them so viciously.
Jaden, being her house-mate, groomed Jezebel until we separated them after a trip to the vet.
Hence, in hindsight, it was too late. Jaden had already ingested the virus.
Jaden started out with head tilt, no appetite and could not stand. We were critical care feeding her and by last Monday we were under the misguided impression that she was feeling better since we woke up Monday morning to a standing excited bunny! But, as soon as I went to her cage I heard a horrible grinding sound-and she was drooling, she was freaked right out, not 'feeling better'. The virus had attacked her neurologically.

Now, a week later..Jezebel is still on the eye drops, one every two hours (started one every 4 hours on Saturday then the vet called us and asked us to be a little more aggressive with the treatment starting yesterday- and keep an eye on her)
She won't eat ANY kibble, nor drink any water. I critical care her. I don't understand, since she WILL eat gourmet salad baby greens by the handful, take a treat now and then, baby spinach is okay and past few days no hay either. No fever, weight is maintaining.

I know that Jaden did not have as strong as a system as Jezebel, Jaden had chronic GI issues (not to the degree that interfered with her enjoyment of life though) I still am in constant worry about Jezebel not making it through this. Her lack of appetite and blah'ness can be attributed to both the illness and her loss of her sister. At this point, I can not pin point which one and it is difficult to watch what used to be a bun full of vitality and umph, be so unhappy :(

Thanks so much again, I just think of my gorgeous white bun doing binkys' over the bridge with Talon.

Oh Cher, This breaks my heart for you and Jezebel. I'm so sorry to hear about this! You take and took such incredible care of your babies! Considering how they were first in China and then came back home with you, you should be proud of the exemplary care and love they had while they were visiting the earth. Because of your love and your devoted need to respond to their every whim, Jaden lived a wonderful, full life.

I think Laura and Jan gave you the best advice, you just have to give her some time and see how she does. Right now, it might be too soon to introduce someone new, but you'll know in your heart if she needs someone else or if she just cares to have her mom there for her. Each situation is different and it's hard to predict. I remember the torment Jan went through when she got Shadow for Pernod. Pernod was a tough little cookie, though. I'm not sure if Jezebel has a similar personality.

I was always impressed with how your girls traveled with you and how when you first got them, there really wasn't a good rabbit-savvy vet. You saved their lives over and over again through the years. I can imagine how incredibly grief stricken Jez must be. Please be sure to give her many kisses from me and just spend extra time sitting on the floor with her. It'll bring her comfort just having you in the room with her knowing that she can go up to you and give you a bump when she feels the urge.

My thoughts and prayers are with you at this most difficult time. Sebastian just passed away this weekend too, so Jaden is in good company as she and Seb met Buck in Heaven and await our arrival.

Know in your heart that "Someday, we'll be together..." [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXGz8i0I2L0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXGz8i0I2L0[/ame]

Much love,

Thanks Jim....Jezebel is, what we hope to be, on a slow recovery.
Our vet said this virus is not very well documented in bunnies, mostly cats and dogs~in those animals it can take from 6-8 weeks for recovery. I have no idea then how long it will take her to recover. Her check up was good, no fever and the swelling in her eye is down, yet the ulcer is still there. She is becoming more obtrusive about the syringe feeding yet refuses to eat her own kibble, she has become a greens only girl. I even had a paw 'shown' to me in her disgust at the feeding....she nipped my leg one day in retaliation, poor thing.
At this point, she is being highly catered to, I want to do whatever I can to ensure I have her insolent self for a long while..and I know she is missing Jaden something awful.
Sorry about the ramble, its good to chat about her though :)

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