Jacques is dead

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My experience with Little Bear was much the same He seemed fine one day, then stopped eating & drinking & went to the vet the next day, that day he was gone.

I kept looking over at the cage expecting to see him in it. But because he passed i now have a beautiful little brown "seal point", Daisy, who was found running down a sidewalk & brought to the shelter, where i met her. :heart:
Cherly posted what I was going to post. That was a beautiful, touching sentiment.

And AngieLuv, Jacques was living on borrowed time. There are so many complications that comefrom having cancer, it was wonderfully amazing he avoided them as long as he did. It's really unlikely it was anything else. .

So sorry for your loss. :bigtears:

How old was the little man? I always took some comfort in mine having lived good long lives. To put it in perspective, the average pet rabbit survives only a year. I believe educational efforts like this forum help to extend their lives, altho much needs to be done in discouraging the breeding of rabbits, since we are losing on that front.
Jacques was probably a little over 4 yrs old. I got him from a shelter in Ill. 3 yrs ago. He wasnever a really robust bunny and I can honestly say never once showed any aggression whatsoever to any rabbit or person. He was able to be bonded with Joey because Joey is a little street fighter but Jacques was so very meek that they got along fine. To my surprise Joey seems OK although maybe that won't last. I have been giving him a lot of attention but hedoesn't particularly want it. After Jacques surgery last April he (Jacques)has probably looked and seemed the happiest and healthiest that I have ever seen him. From what I understood the outer tumor had low metastatic potential so I don't think his system was affected until maybe now. I had it all planned that I would have the new tumors taken out and thought maybe he could have another 3 months or so. Yesterday after he was PTS and we were bringinghim home I noticed that he still had some greens in his mouth. he had wolf ed down some parsley and cilantro about 2 hours before i found him totally incapacitated. I will be OK if Joey is OK. I worry that I will not be able to find another rabbit as passive as Jacques and that maybe I won't be able to re-bond Joey. Thanks everyone for your warm thoughts...we have ALL been through this . I have 4 other rabbits besides Joey so I still have a room full of bunnies (plus the netherland dwarf from the shelter that I am fostering) Rabbits bring so much pleasure..and pain..they're like riding a rollercoaster
Yhanks everyone..we're feeling better today. Actually I am slightly annoyed with Joey as he doesn't appear to be depressed or grieving???? Is he a sociopath?
Joey's behaviour hasn't really changed at all. I have been giving him a lot of attention. I did leave jacques body with him for the entire eveningafter jacques died. He groomed the body a little , left it and then returned but never looked upset. I took a stuffed bunny about Jacques size and rubbed jacques body on the toy and then took the body and left the toy. The towels that were in jacques carrier are still in Joey's area. He isn't looking for Jacques and looks relaxed..all I can say is that Joey was alone for about the lst couple years of his life. I don't know ..maybe he will have a delayed reaction. he is eating and everything....surprises me a lot .
Well, again, they all handle it differently. It may be affecting him on some internal level that he doesn't express, & yes, his early solitude might be a factor, i imagine. I'm sure you'll look after him well in the meantime.
That makes me think that Joey knew there was something wrong with Jacques, and expected the loss.

I know that somebuns will actually get aggressive and harassan terminalmate, they seem to panic and distance themselves.

Andit seems to me thatthe bunnies that die suddenly tend more tobe greived by theirmates.

Just a thought. Wonder if there's a study on that?

I'm so sorry to hear about Jacques.... But I also think Pipp is right. Animals can sense many things that we humans might not be aware of - and they don't grieve in the same way that humans do, either. That doesn't, to my mind, mean that they don't feel things less intensely than we do - but they express themselves in non-human ways.

Please give Joey a few pats from me, and hang in there.
Joey never never harassed jacques at all. Last night, however, when Jacques body was in the area with Joey I saw Joey sniff the tumors on Jacques abdomen. Do you think that it is really possible that he knew? I have also ,Pipp,heard that the healthy animal will harass the sick one but not necessarily rabbits ...just animals in general.
I just saw this TV program about dogs being able to sniff out cancer in people..like this woman had cancer in her thyroid and the dog kept trying to paw at her neck. I'm not an animal behaviourist..i have no clue what is going on with Joey.

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