Hopefully Randy will respond soon, but from previous research, the vinegar idea didn't do much for those who tried it, maybe because it had to be diluted so much, and the negatives of causing the rabbits to drink less water far outweighed the benefits.
Dr. Harcourt-Brown is considered a sludge expert and makes no mention of it in her 'Textbook of Rabbit Medicine'.
The cranberry juice, frequent at-home sub-q fluids, eliminating pellets and administering pain meds and antibiotics (when needed) seemed to work the best.
Does an ultrasound require anesthetic? I wouldn't think so but I've never had a rabbit undergo that procedure. It is an alternative re: stones and sludge.
Chemistry isn't my forte, but I am curious about the sludge analysis, because I do believe bladder/kidney stones can have different compositions, and true sludge is different from just the calcium deposits frequently seen in urine. I always wondered about that.
Sure hope Jack is feeling better soon.