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Dec 24, 2005
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I'm going to get a rabbit.

It's probably going to be one of these three guys,




It's most likely going to be the one in the second picture. I haven'tmet any of them yet though so I'm not sure, I'll be picking the one Ifind has the best personality.

My question is.. the cage. Do you think this is good enough? He'll be living outside under a covered area.

This is the website that tells you about the cage,http://tinyurl.com/ct3h6 I'llprobably be getting the 36"L x 24"W x 36"H but I MIGHT be able the 48"Lx 24"W x 36"H
i would get the larger if i could, but the otherone sounds good too. i think my cages are 3ftx2ft and 4ft by 2 1/2ft... but im not sure... those three are so cute!!!!!!:Didont know if i could pick just one!
I only have around $200 to spend so I can't really afford anything much bigger.
Is it possible to make your own cage? I don'tknow about the building materials put the wire is a reasonable price,jsut not sure about the lumber. Then you can make it how you want it.

Any possibilities for an inside bunny?:DThey are all adorable!
All three of the rabbits look like they willstay on the small side so either of those cages will be good.I would get the smaller one. It will be cheaper.Perhaps you could build one? If not, that one will do justfine. Just make sure that it is at least 3 feet off theground if you are keeping it outdoors.


P.S. If it means anything, I like the little chinchillacolored one (first one). However, they are all adorable!!!
I have a fairly small cage too (comparativelyspeaking, anyway). I think that cage looks good, just makesure you let your rabbit run around for a few hours a day if you dopurchase a smaller cage.
It's too hot inside, not to mention there isn't any room.

I plan to let him out for at least four hours everyday so I'm assuming he'd be ok in a small cage..
Oh, and as for making one my own, I can't.Lumber is so so expensive here it isn't even funny. Not to mention thefact that there aren't any hardware stores for at least a two hourdrive out of town.
Hoptastic wrote:
I plan to let him out for at least four hours everyday soI'm assuming he'd be ok in a small cage..
In my opinion, that is perfectly fine. Plus, I don't reallythink that cage on the website is "small." It would beconsidered small if he/she never got out, but then any cage would be.
Alright. I probably should have everything done in a week or two, I'll be sure to post tons of pics! :)
Ok um. I just want to make sure I've got this all right.

Along with the cage I'll be buying..

- Kaytee Timothy Complete.

- Kaytee Timothy Hay.

- Cuddle-Cup.

- Comfort Harness.

- Yesterday's News for litter.

That's all I'll need for now right?
What's a cuddle-cup? Hehe never heard of it?

Water bottle or water crock, food bowl, litter box (if you want), appletwigs if you can find them (they love to chew!), a few extra towels (myrabbits favourite thing is cuddling up to towels!)

If you want you can also get them some timothy or alfalfa cubes(Timothy is healthier for older rabbits, but for rabbits under 6 monthsalfalfa is good- alfalfa is also 3x cheaper!).

Find a carboard box and put a hole jsut big enough for the rabbit toget in in the cage if you want and put a few towels in it- my rabbitloves to sleep in this.

How old are the bunnies?
Spring wrote:
What's a cuddle-cup? Hehe never heard of it?

Water bottle or water crock, food bowl, litter box (if you want), appletwigs if you can find them (they love to chew!), a few extra towels (myrabbits favourite thing is cuddling up to towels!)

If you want you can also get them some timothy or alfalfa cubes(Timothy is healthier for older rabbits, but for rabbits under 6 monthsalfalfa is good- alfalfa is also 3x cheaper!).

Find a carboard box and put a hole jsut big enough for the rabbit toget in in the cage if you want and put a few towels in it- my rabbitloves to sleep in this.

How old are the bunnies?


That's a cuddle cup. I already have a food bowl and water bottle. Asfor the cardboard thing, he won't need it, he has a whole wooden houseon the side of the cage if you look at the picture on the website.

I'm not sure how old they are, early teens I think.
You should try Woodypet instead of Yesturday's news.

You can get a 30lb bag for $5 and i think yesturdays news is kind ofexpensive, woodypet would last you alot longer and its great.
Hoptastic wrote:
Ok um. I just want to make sure I've got this all right.

Along with the cage I'll be buying..

- Kaytee Timothy Complete.
How old is this rabbit? Under 6-8 months they should be getting alfalfa hay-based pellets to support their rapid growth.
Shuu wrote:
Hoptastic wrote:
Ok um. Ijust want to make sure I've got this all right.

Along with the cage I'll be buying..

- Kaytee Timothy Complete.
How old is this rabbit? Under 6-8 months they should be getting alfalfa hay-based pellets to support their rapid growth.

I'm not sure how old. I know they're a bit young.. I'll have to ask when I go in and see them.

And juicyjuicee, they don't sell Woodypet at the store in my town.. :?
juicyjuicee wrote:
You should try Woodypet instead of Yesturday's news.

You can get a 30lb bag for $5 and i think yesturdays news is kind ofexpensive, woodypet would last you alot longer and its great.
But Yesterday's News is also perfectly acceptable for rabbits. So is Carefresh.
nose_twitch wrote:
juicyjuicee wrote:
Youshould try Woodypet instead of Yesturday's news.

You can get a 30lb bag for $5 and i think yesturdays news is kind ofexpensive, woodypet would last you alot longer and its great.
But Yesterday's News is also perfectly acceptable for rabbits. So is Carefresh.
Yep, but just stating that Woodypet would last you much longer and is cheaper.

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