I've changed my mind - Toby is going in for neutering Monday

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LuvMyRabbits wrote:
its odd to because that stuff stinks and does not smell at all appetizing!! Give him get well hugs from me :biggrin2:<3<3<3

Yah I know!! It DOES stink! He took a little bit of it ok. But the fruity sweet smelling baytril that Kirby had before for sneezies, he wouldn't touch (I hid it in pumpkin and it was ok). Buns are so odd.

Toby won't touch his lettuce still. He's been laying in his hidey box since I fed him the rest of the metacam. He must be tired... I will try to let him rest up and see how it is in the morning. I hope he bounces back to normal self soon.

I will give him hugs as soon as he will let me near him! lol!
I forgot to add ...I'm very happy to hear that your vet did the less invasive procedure for Toby..I know I saw your reply on the thread the other day about my concerns with Shadows incision(he had his neuterThursday )..I wish I would have asked that question before hand so I would have known..but unfortunatley I didnt..so I'm going to look on the positive side and say he is okay and you learned something about what to ask your vet before Toby's surgery..and I learned something to ask my future vet about any other rabbits I have ...who knows maybe that will be my trivia question when I call to look for a new vet:ph34r2
"How do you perform rabbit neuters??" and depending on their answer..will let me know wether or not they are up to date on their methods of doing things..ahha there we have it! Thats exactly what I am going to do!! ( along with the other basic questions of course ) So at least some positive things came out of Shadow having it done the other way =)
Smudge fought me all the way when I had to give him his baytril and metacam... I thought he would love the fruity flavored baytril, but I guess not! I told the vet that Smudge wants him to change the flavoring, LOL. Some of his fur is still stained hot pink from it!
Smudge still ate like an adsolute piggie after he got home from the vets, so I waslucky on that one. ;)
I hope your buns feeling better soon!
LuvMyRabbits wrote:
I forgot to add ...I'm very happy to hear that your vet did the less invasive procedure for Toby..I know I saw your reply on the thread the other day about my concerns with Shadows incision(he had his neuterThursday )..I wish I would have asked that question before hand so I would have known..but unfortunatley I didnt..so I'm going to look on the positive side and say he is okay and you learned something about what to ask your vet before Toby's surgery..and I learned something to ask my future vet about any other rabbits I have ...who knows maybe that will be my trivia question when I call to look for a new vet:ph34r2
"How do you perform rabbit neuters??" and depending on their answer..will let me know wether or not they are up to date on their methods of doing things..ahha there we have it! Thats exactly what I am going to do!! ( along with the other basic questions of course ) So at least some positive things came out of Shadow having it done the other way =)

I am totally thankful that you posted your experience on RO and for the Infirmiry mods who are always lending their wise advice. I had absolutely no idea there was a difference in incision methods before. I think it's a great question to ask because it does reflect upon the vet's experience and knowledge of rabbit vet practices.

Definitely on the upside, your Shadow bun seems to have gotten good post-op care from your vet so I hope Shadow continues to recover without issue.:bestwishes:

But as always, RO never ceases to amaze me with their immense support, warmth and wealth of experience. :hug2:
Totally agree..They are awesome here! I'm new to this site..and these 2 are my first bunnies ever..so I was clueless to pretty much everything..they have helped me sooo much here on so many different issues..definitley a godsend!!:pray:
Jess4921 wrote:
I thought he would love the fruity flavored baytril, but I guess not! I told the vet that Smudge wants him to change the flavoring, LOL. Some of his fur is still stained hot pink from it!
Smudge still ate like an adsolute piggie after he got home from the vets, so I waslucky on that one. ;)
I hope your buns feeling better soon!

Thanks Jess!

LOL - the fruit flavor is so artificial that maybe the buns are picking up on the fakeness as unappetizing???
angieluv wrote:
You're doing a very good job of caring for him!!!!!!:)

Thanks Maureen... but this pic just doesn't convince me... it breaks my heart. Look at the poor thing! He just laid down to snooze. It's the first time he's slept all evening. Maybe all day. I've never seen him so wrinkly and beat up looking. :(


And this is what he usually looks like...

World of difference! :(
Toby woke up and started to groom himself a little. He also started to chew on the new pinecone I gave him and ate some more hay. He's been pooing a bunch of tiny little poops (and not in his litter box either, although some of his poops are in the box). Maybe they are so small because he hasn't eaten much and not nearly as much as usual in the last few hours.

I gave him a new pile of hay in his litter box again to encourage him to eat and he's chomping again. Hope by morming I'll see a lot of poop!
Thanks Autumn!

Morning Update:
Toby seems MUCH more normal this morning! I was greeted by a standing bunny! He seems much more active and was even up to begging for his morning lettuce feeding. He doesn't seem to be in much pain as far as I can see. Poops were normal size overnight and he ate a lot of the hay I put in his litter box. He also ate the lettuce I left in his plate overnight.

This morning I was able to feed him the 0.2 ml of metacam just by coating his lettuce bits with it and hand-feeding him piece by piece. He ate it right up, no pain and no stress. *I am so thankful for that!*

He seems perfectly ok. While he was doing some begging for lettuce, I tried to check out the area where the incisions were made. I couldn't see it really well but it doesn't look swollen or red or much like anything, really. He hasn't bothered the area at all. He's been a really good bun :inlove:
I'm home! Long day at work today. I was aching to leave at the stroke of 5 but didn't leave til quarter after 7. So..I finally got to see my little Toby. He was resting in his hidey box. He pooped plenty, drank water, ate hay, but he is not really touching his pellets. I wonder why.

I was going to con him into taking his metacam again by spreading the dose on his romaine pieces but sheesh, he came over and started to lick the syringe so I squirt it right into his mouth. He seems to like the taste of it now! I'm not complaining... weird kid.
Toby finished the last dose of his Metacam as instructed by the vet. His last dose was this morning at 7am and it's now 11pm. He is moving around, perfectly happy. Jumping up and down. I got him a smaller version of the same jolly ball I got Kirby, he's been checking it out. Still eating and pooping. I have noticed that he takes rests more often in the form of dead bunny flop! I was *fully* expecting Toby be a nutty rabbit and pick at his incision site and make post-op a living hell but he has been totally and completely perfect. I am very thankful for everyone on RO and Toby's vet as well. They called me up yesterday for a follow up to check in on Toby. I paid a hefty price tag for this vet but so far I have had no issues with any rabbit savvy vet at that practice.

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