Well-Known Member
Last week at this time I decided not to neuter Toby (about 17 weeks old) until he was olderbecause he wasn't a danger to himself, but in the last 48-72 hours the hormones must have kicked in. He's become warp-speed hyperactive, he's poking his nose through the pen (I'm afraid he might hurt his face) and he nips at Kirby every chance he gets (this can't be good for future bonding). Kirby doesn't seem to like him at all at this point, he seems pretty scared of him. And Toby is chewing at the gates non stop - I don't think it is good for his teeth if he keeps chewing away at something that is not going to succumb to his teeth.
Every morning I wake up to see a one-sided poop war, some pulled out black fur (belonging to Kirby). Kirby just sits on his of the fence looking kind of sad. Toby is also shuffling his litter box, throwing litter and poop out. It's getting to be a bit much.
I'm afraid of what else he might do. I used to be able to pick him up and put him down with little effort. Now when I go to put him on the floor he *always* jumps out and it looks like he might get himself hurt every time. I have decided for the sake of his safety and my sanity as well as Kirby's to take him in. We're going Monday. Sigh... I am worried though. He's my bitty baby. :nerves1
Are there things I should prepare? Anything I should know about in particular or any questions I should ask my vet? I'm not the one going in with Toby tomorrow. It'll be my husband and he will need to know every shred of detail necessary as, well, I'm usually the one who takes care of the bunnies. Toby will go in the morning and come home in the afternoon. The vet is rabbit-savvy.
Every morning I wake up to see a one-sided poop war, some pulled out black fur (belonging to Kirby). Kirby just sits on his of the fence looking kind of sad. Toby is also shuffling his litter box, throwing litter and poop out. It's getting to be a bit much.
I'm afraid of what else he might do. I used to be able to pick him up and put him down with little effort. Now when I go to put him on the floor he *always* jumps out and it looks like he might get himself hurt every time. I have decided for the sake of his safety and my sanity as well as Kirby's to take him in. We're going Monday. Sigh... I am worried though. He's my bitty baby. :nerves1
Are there things I should prepare? Anything I should know about in particular or any questions I should ask my vet? I'm not the one going in with Toby tomorrow. It'll be my husband and he will need to know every shred of detail necessary as, well, I'm usually the one who takes care of the bunnies. Toby will go in the morning and come home in the afternoon. The vet is rabbit-savvy.