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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada's official...our Flower has become a Hormonal Bunny. :(

She's taken to honking/grunting everytime anyone (including me) putstheir hand near her cage. When it's me, she'll honk once atfirst, then realize I'm there to give her love, and will relent, andcalm down...hopefully she continues to calm down when she sees!

She's also taken to not wanting to come out of her cage when she's letout to play. She's too consumed with guarding it now to wantto come out. Sure, she'll come over to give me kissesand get some love...but she won't come out anymore. :(

We're having a bit of a financial situation right now, so we can't takeher over to get spayed, but are planning on doing it within themonth. Argh!

I guess everybunny comes to that hormonal point sometime! :(

I know it'll be okay in the longrun, but I just hate seeing my lovey-dovey girl being so aggressive! :tears2:
Oh Rosie, I can certainly sympathize!

Well, in the end, it isbest to just wait out the 'storm'!It's really only a short, yet very difficult time in the bunnies life.I've heard that even if the rabbit is spayed or neutered they can stillgo through their terrible teens. It's hard at first watching your sweetlittle baby turn into a honking ball of fur, but just be patient anddon't take it personally!

How old is Ms. Flower? I'm pretty sure when they're around a year old, the hormones start to die down a bit.

:purplepansy:poor Flower, she's probably just as confused in all of this as you!
Poor Flower! Hopefully she can behave her littlehormonal self until you are able to afford her spay (I know how thatgoes..if its can wait a bit) ;)

Good Luck!
Altering is a great 'fix' for that, but eventhough they will calm down, they can still be grumpy. Wiley has moodswings I tell ya! If I am not fast enough putting his food dish down hegrunts at me. Or if I am petting him then stop for a second he startsgrumpin (jumping around and grunting at the same time), jumps on my lapand looks me in the eye then grunts and runs away. LOL it isgoofy but thats why I love him so!
My girl was spayed in late May - and she's stillvery much a teeanger, in terms of being very active and somewhat bossyand temperamental. Knowing that this is going to wear off gets methrough the more annoying behaviors! :)

BTW, i've never seen any evidence of aggression related to space orfood, only play. She can get overly rambunctious at times (and a littleon the nippy side), but I'm also glad that she feels comfortable enoughwith me to do that. On the whole, she's a sweetie.

So Rosie, i think you're going to have a little teenager on your handsfor a while, even after her spay. (Now I'm beginning to understand howlong-suffering my folks were when I was in my teens!)
My baby is now about seven months quickly time passes!! We brought her home in May, can you believe it?!

Anyway, I just hold onto the fact that, though Maisie's still spunky,she's also toned down in the hormonal department quite a bit, now thatshe's approx 10mos old (got a birthday comin' up soon...yay!).

And yes, "honking ball of fur" is the perfect description, too!

Hehe...I even had a dream last night that I lost Flower at anairport! Shows you how much "losing" Flower'slovey-dovey-ness is really bothering me!

In the longrun, I know it'll be okay, but it is a bit heart-breaking tosee your Sweetie turn into such a huge grump!! :(

I'm just being patient...I know she's having just as hard a time as Iam. I just remind myself what my own teenage years were like,and add to it slightly. My poor baby! I know it'lllessen, and we'll be able to take them both in soon. :)

Spring wrote:
Oh Rosie, I can certainly sympathize!

Well, in the end, it isbest to just wait out the 'storm'!It's really only a short, yet very difficult time in the bunnies life.I've heard that even if the rabbit is spayed or neutered they can stillgo through their terrible teens. It's hard at first watching your sweetlittle baby turn into a honking ball of fur, but just be patient anddon't take it personally!

How old is Ms. Flower? I'm pretty sure when they're around a year old, the hormones start to die down a bit.

:purplepansy:poor Flower, she's probably just as confused in all of this as you!
Oh yes...we've got so much going on that's morein the emergency category, it's hard to spend the money! Workfor my husband REALLY goes down from about late Oct to mid Jan, sowe're hurtin' right now. :(

She's behaving just fine, thankfully! We split a phone bookbetween her and Maisie, and she's been busy creating bunny-styleoragami all night and through today! Hehe..."Look!It's a, it's a rug!! And now...atowel!" She's been having fun, and it's a good thing to gether frustrations out with, so I think it was a good move giving it toher. (As far as Maisie, we just swept out the newspapershreddies she FILLS her downstairs with, so she's busy restoring hershreddie-ness.)


Haley wrote:
Poor Flower! Hopefully shecan behave her little hormonal self until you are able to afford herspay (I know how that goes..if its can wait a bit) ;)

Good Luck!

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