It's a girl!

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OhStephanie, how wonderful. I am so pleased for you, and yes, you do lookreally well. Many congratulations. - Jan
YAY! ITS A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You look GREAT! It's so nice to finally put a face to your name...

I LOVE the name Skyler. Talia, is great too.


How are you and the Little Princess doing, Steph?

We are doing fine. :) She's kicking away inthere and possibly doing some summersaults or something. My belly waslopsided last night!

Seven months along now..... :D

We're having a lot of fun buying little things for her now, from baby clothes hangers to the little socks.
I can't wait to get there, and feelall that for the first time!

all I feel now is :vomit:but that comes with the two month mark I guess!

Stephanie did you have morning sickness, and if so, how did you deal with it?!?!?!?!

Congratulations! I didn't know you were pregnant too. Sorry if I missed the post.

I only threw up twice, so really didn't have it that bad. Both timeswere my fault too, as I had a cup of coffee (half cup really) on anempty stomach. Mostly I was very tired, especially after doingsomething like housework or grocery shopping. I did haveindigestion/heartburn, but Tums takes care of that no problem.

Mint tea really helps with all of that too and is safe to drink whilepregnant. Also, eat more frequent, smaller meals and drink lots ofwater.

I can't wait to hear all about it!! :)
Stephanie wrote:
We are doing fine. :) She's kicking away in there andpossibly doing some summersaults or something. My belly was lopsidedlast night!

She's an athlete, ey? Good for her!

You Go Girl!!


Yeah, and her feet are postioned in my ribsright now, with her head down. I've had to push her feet down sometimeshahahahahah. Doens't hurt, but sometimes I'm just like "that's enoughgirl!"
Ruka, my husband is great with both meand the bunnies, not to mention the cat. He's cleaned the catbox thewhole pregnancy!

And yes, baby clothes is so cute and we've been having funshopping for her. We buy clothes, but know we're going to get a ton atthe showers, so are getting little stuff too.
I love shopping for baby clothes of anykind. Imissed doing that for my sisters 2 kids Samantha and Justin. They allare now grown. Samantha will be 11 and Justin will be 8. Wow they havegrown so much. I know that my neice Samantha is very tall and I am notsure where she got that from cause my sister is 5'5 and her dad is only5'9. I think my sister has my mom's family gene cause most of my unclesand cousins are 6' or taller.

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