ISP address

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Buck you made me laugh so much with your Duck post :D:D.

Just for interest Happybunny is my daughter. She doesn't post often butalthough we have different email addresses I'm guessing our ISP numberis the same as we use the same computer?

I didn't have a clue about any of these things, I'm so naive I didn'teven realise trolls existed. I would say Why would they bother? but Isuppose it's for the same reason viruses get invented :?.

On a chat I go to, we had a person who came inand had NO pets, let alone a rabbit. They pretended to be agirl, was a guy. Also, they made up stories about illnessesof bunnies they had and worked with at a rescue. (wasall a lie)

Eventually, we figured it out and confronted them. Theyadmitted to the deceipt, but made up some lame excuse that they weretrying to fit in or something....

This person had us in tears a couple of times. I mean, Ireally worry about the bunnies and feel they are a distant part of ourfamily (oh yeah, the people too lol).

I hate trolls :X
We've had that on a few chat sites too... had areally tight knit community on a trivia chat room that I used to goon and one person was a troll and used to really insultpeople alot... he was banned over and over, but kept making up newnames... eventually the manager blocked the ISP address.There were quite a few times that happened.

LOL @ Buck... I shall watch out for the Duck in future! :shock:;)

Ang xx
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Businesses are different. I think they have a samenumber with a different end number or something... I never paid muchattention to that part.
I am the network Administrator at my work. THe way it workshere is anyone who uses the internet will show up with the same IPaddress because they go out the same router. We havedifferent internal addresses, as no two pc's can have the same, but therouter translates them all to one certain external IP address.There are a select few of us who have different IP addressesand that is because the router is programed to translate our internalIP addresses to a different external address because weneedseperate addresses for reasons I won't go intohere.

So theoretically (sp?) if two people here at work both joined thisforum they should show up with the same IP address.Although I REALLY don't expect anyone else here to join because theyall think I'm insane to have all the pets I do. Most of themjust have a dog and/or cat and that's it.
I'm going to assume Jems is right because I don'treally know how the whole ISP address things work with abusinessreally.

As I said above, if 2 different computers are hooked up to the samerouter (thank you for the proper word Jems!) then they will haveidentical ISP addresses except the last 2 digits in the code. That justtells the computer is a different one, but the internet connection isthe same.

Of course, if it can be programmed to have a different ISP address thenwhat I said isn't always true. lol, all I know is what I've taughtmyself.
Wow, this stuff is so technical!! Iagree with rasberryswirl...I hear james bond music in my head when I amreading this thread!! LOL!!! I really know nothingabout computers! I can turn them on and off check my emailand surf the web, but really I don't know how any of it works! I am soglad that you know what you are doing Carolyn! Tracy
I was also very worried as Ryan (the hubby) andon occasion my sister (QTBunnies) would post on my computer and Iposted on hers when mine was down or I was visiting her. I think if yousayyou know each other and don't act like complete strangersand have conversations with yourself acting like strangers (why oh whywould someone want to do this :?, sometimesthe intellect ofsomepeople really worries me :shock:)then Carolynknows!

This forum is growing all the time and the number of "trolls" isincreasing. I don't envy Carolyn one bit, keeping track of everyone!

Its a shame some people want to spoil it for others. You shouldn't haveto think "is this person a troll?" , but this is the sad world in whichwe live.

MyBunnyBoys wrote:
Of course, if it can be programmed to have a different ISPaddress then what I said isn't always true. lol, all I know is whatI've taught myself.
My ISP is bellsouth. I use DSL but have a backup dial up account. Mydial up almost never gives me problems but my DSL goes haywire ALL thetime! Having said all that, not too long ago I was having majorproblems with my DSL and actually have the option on my DSL help centerto release and renew my ISP address...which I did. I'massuming if I can do it....trolls can do it.


P.S. I dont know whether changing my ISP would even help with myconnectivity problems but I was desperate so I didnt think it wouldhurt to try it. :?

I know you can change ISP addresses easily, butif you have more than one computer hooked up to the DSL router then theISP addresses of both computers will change.

What I meant is that I didn't know you could have 2 computers hooked upto the same router with totally different ISP addresses (unless I tookwhat Jems said wrong).

If you have dial-up and DSL, the ISP addresses will be different.
Jems wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Businessesare different. I think they have a same number with adifferent end number or something... I never paid much attention tothat part.
I am the network Administrator at my work. THe way it workshere is anyone who uses the internet will show up with the same IPaddress because they go out the same router. We havedifferent internal addresses, as no two pc's can have the same, but therouter translates them all to one certain external IP address.There are a select few of us who have different IP addressesand that is because the router is programed to translate our internalIP addresses to a different external address because weneedseperate addresses for reasons I won't go intohere.

So theoretically (sp?) if two people here at work both joined thisforum they should show up with the same IP address.Although I REALLY don't expect anyone else here to join because theyall think I'm insane to have all the pets I do. Most of themjust have a dog and/or cat and that's it.
That's how I thought it worked (same IP outside and different within the company)... but I wasn't sure how.
Carolyn wrote:
Hey Rose?

When are you going to increase Bub's avatar size? I want to see him as close-up as I can. I love that picture of him.


How do I do that again? (sheepish grin)


P.S. Your posts are coming up all ????'s again. :p
I was under the impression that computer's IPaddresses are different from the ISP addresses. ISP addresses canactually be the same, but each and every computer out there has anindividual, unique address that belongs to just it, like a thumbprint-called an IP address. I believe that "IP" stands for Internet Protocol,and the "ISP" in ISP addresses stands for "Internet Service Provider".
Thanks for the info MyBunnyBoys. I didnt realizemy ISP for dial up and DSL were different. I'm not very computer savy.:DI misunderstood your earlier post. sorry.

sandhills_rabbits wrote:
I was under the impression that computer's IP addresses aredifferent from the ISP addresses. ISP addresses can actually be thesame, but each and every computer out there has an individual, uniqueaddress that belongs to just it, like a thumbprint- called an IPaddress. I believe that "IP" stands for Internet Protocol, and the"ISP" in ISP addresses stands for "Internet Service Provider".
I'm not sure. :?I always call it both so I assumed it was the same thing, lol!
lanna21974 wrote:
Thanks for the info MyBunnyBoys. I didnt realize my ISP fordial up and DSL were different. I'm not very computer savy.:DI misunderstood your earlier post. sorry.

I'm pretty sure the ISP (IP?) is different for dial-up and DSL if youhave it in the same house because they are 2 separate internethook-ups. I could be wrong, anything I know about computers is whatI've taught myself through trial and error.
MyBunnyBoys wrote:
Of course, if it can be programmed to have a different ISPaddress then what I said isn't always true. lol, all I know is whatI've taught myself.
I'm pretty much self taught also. I kinda fell into this job and am learning as I go.

The way I understand it is each ISP 'owns' a group of IPaddresses. This Block can be traced to your ISP (InternetService Provider). As a business we are assigned a number ofIP addresses. If you look those IP addresses upitshould say my company's name because they are assigned tous by our ISP. ISP's work differently.Some assign "static" IP addresses other ISP's assign them randomly eachtime you log on.

When someone in my agency accesses the internet it goes out through therouter and the "static" internal IP address gets translated to anexternal IP address. Because the router has one IP addressfor most of the computers if two people went out to the Internet at thesame time they would show up as having the same IP address.We actaully have a block of numbers and a few computers are translatedto other numbers. So if Sally and Sue both log onto thisforum it should show up as the same IP address. IF I log onthe numbers are all the same as Sally and Sue'sexcept thelast 2 because I have my own assigned external IP address on therouter.

An IP address is a web address. Instead of typing rabbits.comyou could type the IP address (if you knew it)and get to the sameplace. gets translated to and IP address incyberspace.

Any better? Clear as mud aint it?

Needless to say Carolyn's job is not easy. She hasalot to keep track of and needs to know her stuff because I wasn't evenaware that AOL and certain other places workeddifferantly. She takes good care of us!


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