Is your rabbit scary to other animals?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2013
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My two cats seem to be afraid of Mason our Polish rabbit. They will stalk him but at the same time are afraid if he turns around to face them. I put our 7 mo old kitten close to Mason and she ran in fear. I know it's a good thing for Mason but it is really funny!
My cat also! My rabbit is in LOVE with the cat and will follow him everywhere trying to get his attention but as soon as the cat notices he gets so scared he runs away!
I have two dogs and one is terrified of my bun and the other terrifies her. It's weird seeing they're almost identical
Our bunny follows the cat around the room!
My first rabbit used to attack the cat- really fixed his head for a while! Back in the early days I sometimes took her out on a harness in the garden, I remember her steaming across the garden just to chase the cat. She also snarled at a dog once! My second rabbit couldn't be neutered for three years for health reasons and he tried to mount the cat a few times. My third rabbit was pretty timid though so the cat started to revert after that!
Our older cat is pretty "whatever" towards the bunnies... Nala, my 3.75 lb lionhead, taught the kitten (now over a year old and nearly 12 lbs) to FEAR bunnies back when Dusty (the kitten) was a little smaller than Nala. When I brought Norm home a bit over a week ago, he introduced himself to the kitten by charging right at her with his little airplane ears pointed out in front of him - too cute! She freaked the hell out; couldn't get away fast enough! :p
I'm bunny-less and pet-less right now in general so my answers will go back some time to when I did have rabbits, dogs, and cats in the same house.

My dogs and cats growing up were used to bunnies being in the house. And, conversely, the rabbits were used to the other animals. So, all in all, we had a pretty good group of pets that got along well with one another. Or, at least accepted each other, as the case may be! It seemed that no matter the personality of my rabbits, they always seemed to rule the roost over the dogs and cats. Maybe I just had a bunch of scaredy-cats running around (literally!) but my cats never tried anything with the bunnies - they deferred to them. It was always so funny to be in the same room with cats who seemed to be fearful of messing with the buns! When those bunnies came hopping in, it was hilarious to watch the cats run and take cover! The dogs didn't run or hide from the rabbits, but they also didn't pay them much mind. And, I know I saw the bunnies steal their toys from time to time. Again, it seemed the rabbits were the bosses of the house. Despite their pint-size, they seemed to rule with an iron paw!

I'd love to one day have rabbits and other animals together again. I think it definitely added to the experience. But, for now, I'll just wait anxiously to bring my house rabbit home!
Bugsy has tried to eat our bird twice, so the bird has good reason to be afraid. The cat it's afraid too. The bunnies will sniff at her and she gets wide-eyed in terror. If she feels trapped, she will swat at them, but no injuries so far. Sometimes the bunnies will run when she turns to face them, sometimes they try to get nose to nose.
My cat is terrified of all of my rabbits, even the four week old babies!

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