Is your bunny a high jumper?

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I have to laugh at my poor Nutmeg, he's so not a jumper. My mom puts him in a cage that's only about a foot and a half tall, maybe not even that, when her preschool is in session for the kids to pet him. He doesn't even attempt to jump out. He loves the attention of the preschool kids though, but I'm surprised he doesn't hop out to go play with them.

Wildfire took forever to start jumping up on her shelf in her cage. She only goes up there when the babies show her how.

One of mine is a runner, especially when he's putting on speed to fire on ya (*FFSSSHT!*).
My other boy seems to be some of both. He's pretty fast, but can also jump a good foot or two.
I own athletic rabbits! Zeek has jumped a four foot hog-fence before with ease. He almost ran off into the woods, too. That's when i decided I wasn't going to let him in the hog pen anymore (there were no pigs in it at the time). Black and the old Holland lop I used to have LOVE to swim in our pond. Clover can RUN. FAST. I've said enough! lol
Thor's a runner and jumper. When she was little, she was so timid. I'd hope that her name would promote day, she proved me right. Out of the blue, while my husband lay on the couch watching tv, Thor just took a huge hop, and surprised herself! She had the "did I just do that?" look on her face. :shock: