Is this toy safe for my bunny?

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
Reaction score
Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
I was at PetSmart today buying a new toy for mybirdie, and I came across a clearance rack of bird toys. They had thisone toy that was nice sized, with wood logs on it and a bell, regular$10 for $1.50. So, I bought it thinking Harper would like it. Then, Ibegin thinking afterwards, will the wood be safe for him to chew? Iknow it's made for birds, but I'm not sure if birds ingest wood like arabbit would. I'll post a pic of the toy, and you guys give me youropinions before I give it to my bun bun. Thanks!!

P.S., in the pic, right under the first wood piece, it has some glue onit as well. Is this safe? Just being a worry wart as usually guys! :D



I heard that lots of big bird toys are actuallyquite safe for buns as well, because birds chew them up like rabbits dotheir toys. I would probably remove the bell though, just tobe safe ;).
We have three bird toys similar to the one youbought! And our bunns love them. We have had themfor about 2 years now and no harm! Beware though... our bunnslove the bells and at night all you can hear is the jingling andjangling of the bell.:? Our last bunn used it as a summonsfor veggies. If the bowl was empty...the bell rang.If we were late with her treats...the bell rang. We were VERYwell trained! :D

Dani, Skittles, Peppers and Solembum.
Runestonez wrote:
Beware though... our bunns love the bells and at night allyou can hear is the jingling and jangling of the bell.:? Ourlast bunn used it as a summons for veggies. If the bowl wasempty...the bell rang. If we were late with her treats...thebell rang. We were VERY well trained! :D
ROFLMAO!! That is too cute! Highly annoying, I'm sure, but waaayyy too cute! :rofl:

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