Is this progress?

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Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
, Washington, USA
Okay so yesterday I noticed that when Gem (spayedfemale) approached Oreo's (neutered male)cage, they weretouching noses instead of the biting and scratching that used toaccompany the encounter. And Gem would lay down against Oreo's cagewithout him biting her. So what I did was I let Oreo and Gem outtogether in a neutral room and they did not fight -- well, Oreo stilltried to nip at Gem but they were largely ignoring each other. I evengot them to lay down near each other (15 inches apart) as I pet both ofthem. It will be about three weeks tomorrow since Gem's spay and I amwondering if the hormones are dropping. What should the next step be?Any thoughts???
You're on the right path. Ignoring each other isa good sign, believe it or not. They will, of course, still need toestablish who is the dominant bun, but you're on the path to successwith them. :)