Is This Okay...?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2010
Reaction score
Buena, New Jersey, USA
Hi..I was just wondering, is it okay for a rabbit to eat any other kinds of people food, besides fruits and vegetables? Because I just gave my Rabbit a little piece of my strawberry pop-tart. He really seemed to like it, but if rabbits can't have that, I don't want to give him anymore in the future.

Thanks! :)
I've got to be quick because my laptop is running out of battery but basically the short answer is no.

Any treaty things you eat are a huge no no. They are filllleddd with sugar, which is not good for a rabbit at all.

I don't thinkthat tiny bit would have done her harm but don't give her any more. She shouldn't really be having flour n that either.

I would stick to totally unmanifacured things really, as a general rule, excluding pellets and perhaps some healthy treats from pet stores, but lots of these aren't great for buns anyway. OR something you hve made yourself- some of us make specific rabbit cookies out of oats, pellets, banana etc. as treats.


Ok, thank you. I'll be sure to never give him anymore. I only gave him a little piece, but I'm still going to keep an eye on him for tonight. Make sure he's not acting sick or anything.
I'm sure he'll be fine. (sorry- said her before :p)

I've heard of people giving their buns little bits of chicken nuggets (full of salt) etc. and their buns were fine. Of course you should never ever do this, but I doubt a tiny bit would do much harm.
I reckon if you gave some chocolate or something like that (it is toxic to them)though, then you might be in a bit of trouble. But I honestly don't understand people who give their rabbits, dogs etc. chocolate. It's utterly crazy! Not to mention it being toxic, but the unbelievably high sugar and fat content, and the fact that it's dairy??!!

Rabbits shouldn't really have much sugar in their diet. Hay, veggies and pellets should make up most of the diet, with a small amount of fruit as treats perhaps once a day or every few days. By small amount I mean a few chunks of apple, or a few slices of banana etc.

Perhaps just over the next few days cut back on fruit treats until the sugar is out his system. And like you said, keep an eye on him, but I'm sure he'll be just fine.

Well done for posting to ask- not everyone knows everything and you can only know by asking or researching. :) Just next time look it up or ask beforehand. Even some vegetables etc. I need to quickly post on here for if I can't find on my safe veggies list!

You might have heard of craisins? These are dried cranberries that many people give rabbits as treats. I have a few times and they loved them. But no wonder really, because even though they have no added sugar, they are sooooo sugary, so even these I would probably avoid most of the time. Again, a few really aren't gonna do any harm.

Carrots you have to even be a little careful with, due to their sugar content, apparently. My rabbits usually get carrots with their dinner every other day, which some people might think is too much, but they have never had any problems.

Like I said before, I would just stick with completely untouched, fresh stuff ie. fresh vegetables (no tomato greens, anyting from the onion or bean family though) and a little fruit (no seeds or pips or stones though), pellets, and obviously lots and lots of hay. You can get some stuff from pet stores which is literally just like...dried jerusalum artichoke with nothing added at all, or dried rose petals, which should be fine too.

Hope this helps :)

oops on my part too. Last night my little daughter had had a slice of bread well being 4 and out of mama's eyesight, she had left a half slice of bread on a plate on the couch. When I came in, bunbun was nibbling at it. He didn't have much but now I'm a teeny bit nervous.
Seeing that we've had him for two years, he's probably ingested other things my daughter has dropped like cheerios etc.
I'm so glad you asked this question so I will know these things in the future.
Again a little bit of bread shouldn't do too much harm, if any. Just keep an eye.

I used to always wonder about tomatoes. I was told the first day I got Benji never to give tomatoes. THen I was told it was just the greens that were toxic and the fruit is fine. But I've been under the impression for so long that tomato fruit was bad so I have never been able to bring myself to give it to the buns! I still am not 100% sure lol, so I just steer clear until I am. Anyone who knows for sure, please yell!!!! :)

A tiny bit of bread won't hurt him, but I wouldn't feed bread even as a treat from now on;).

Tomatoes are fine, just not the stems or leaves, Jen.;)

But Snuff is a fan of all kinds of treats, lol. Let's see, french fries, chocolate, cinnamon twists from Taco Bell, ice cream sandwich. He only gets a tiny bit, but man he loves this stuff, crazy rabbit.:p

AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Tomatoes are fine, just not the stems or leaves, Jen.;)

THanks loads Crys! Finally an answer haha. Wow I can't wait for them to try their first bit of tomato!

AngelnSnuffy wrote:
A tiny bit of bread won't hurt him, but I wouldn't feed bread even as a treat from now on;).

Tomatoes are fine, just not the stems or leaves, Jen.;)

But Snuff is a fan of all kinds of treats, lol. Let's see, french fries, chocolate, cinnamon twists from Taco Bell, ice cream sandwich. He only gets a tiny bit, but man he loves this stuff, crazy rabbit.:p
The place I got Snickers from fed bread as a staple!! They had hay (for their bedding) and old brown and white bread thrown on the floor and algae filled water bowls!
My friend feeds her 16 rabbits bread as a treat, and I feed Muppet the occasional graham cracker or Ritz cracker, so I dont think it's too big a deal. But like others said, probably not the best to give and keep it as the occasional treat.
I once tried to see if Solara and Sabriel would try some unbuttered and unsalted popcorn (very little) and they turned it down. :p

But they didn't turn down a tiny piece of all-natural fruit gummies. XD

I don't give them anything strange other than those two times. Too nervous! c: (and for a good reason lol)
Momto3boys wrote:
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
A tiny bit of bread won't hurt him, but I wouldn't feed bread even as a treat from now on;).

Tomatoes are fine, just not the stems or leaves, Jen.;)

But Snuff is a fan of all kinds of treats, lol. Let's see, french fries, chocolate, cinnamon twists from Taco Bell, ice cream sandwich. He only gets a tiny bit, but man he loves this stuff, crazy rabbit.:p
The place I got Snickers from fed bread as a staple!! They had hay (for their bedding) and old brown and white bread thrown on the floor and algae filled water bowls!
That sounds like a bad situation. Glad u saved them from that. Bread for bedding, really?:X:grumpy:
Put it this way.
The ONLY food that is truly good for us and intended for us to consume are vegetables ,fruits, grains and nuts. A rabbit didn't ask to eat artificially processed human food so why make them. I suppose dogs can handle human food better due to the size of them and durability compared to a bunny. A rabbit is a small creature with tiny organs! They go crazy enough for naturally sweet fruits so it should be left for those to be the treats :)

I know a girl who fed her rabbit cheesecake and tons of nasty human food until it died, and her only reasoning was that it is cute to see it eat the food. :shock

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