Is there somthing wrong with my rabbit?

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Dec 20, 2011
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Windsor, Ontario, Canada
My rabbit's named Patricia, she is about 7-8 years old I lost count, and she is a mix between an indoor and outside rabbit. We bring outside in late spring and bring her inside during fall and winter.

In the past few weeks I noticed she had some white stuff near the corner of her eye and here nose is grimy. Another thing to note is that her eating habit's have slowed, shes been eating slightly less. And I noticed she doesn't move around as much as she used to a couple of months ago(mind you when she moved a around she would hop around her cage in the middle of the night and I would have to calm her down). And I also noticed she make tongue noise a similar noise to when we slightly move around our saliva in our mouth.

Here Are some pictures I took of her an hour ago.

Any assistance would help thanks.
It sounds like pasturella but it could also be an issue with her teeth. When you say she is "making a tongue noise" does it sound like tooth grinding? Tooth grinding is an indication of pain which would also make the rabbit stop eating. What you really need is a vet asap.
Hi there, I agree with Fraggles take her to the vet asap.

She looks a bit swollen to me also which makes me think she might have a tooth infection which is quite serious.
I would certainly take her to the vet. Her advanced age predisposes her to health problems that could become serious very quickly.
and no its not tooth grinding. I'm kind of low on money to go to the vet but if I really have to I will go, but if any of you have a solution to help her out that would be nice.
This really sounds like something more serious than can be solved over the internet since we have so little information to go on. Nutri-cal for cat/dogs will help with her nutritional needs, but you really need to find out what the actual problem is.
If its pasturella or a tooth issue then she needs to be seen by a vet. In one of the pictures there seems to be a dark discharge coming from her nose. That along with gunky eyes sounds like pasturella. Please take her to a vet.
I've had 4 of my 5 bunnies I've had have had issues with symptoms similar to this at one time or another.

bunny #1. Jelly, 7 yr old holland lop (rip) -runny nose and eyes when she had her ear infection. Tested negative for P. Moltocida. Also wasn't her teeth.

bunny #2. Charlie,holland lop, now 9 mo. chronic snuffles symptoms. We didn't get bloodwork done. We never got this successfully treated. The meds we tried didn't work and since she was sick when I got her, she went back with the breeder.

bunny #3. Ripley-holland lop-: Runny/nose eyes caused by (I currently think allergies). However, its risky to make this assumption. I saw it was clear (not white, yellow or dark!) discahrge and it cleared lots when I removed the bedding he was in at the time. However he still has issues occatoinally and may need to see the vet.

bunny #4. Taffy-mini rex-White goop in the eyes. I took her in right away as soon as I noticed it that day. The vet gave me some antibiotic drops which cleared it up in 2 days.

Long story short, if you notice it, its much easier the sooner you get it treated. However, I also understand the part about saving your money. Personally, it really sounds to me like your bunny should be seen by a bunny savvy vet. Especially being 7-8 yrs. old its harder when they get sick. Sounds like Pasturella to me, which really needs vet care. I think the longer it goes, the harder to treat.
(justa tip, if one of my bunnies ever gets something like this I'm requesting something stronger for a med than Baytril)
I would take your rabbit to a rabbit savvy vet and get this checked out. Could be pasturella or something else. If left untreated whatever it is, it will only get worse. I don't like to see any rabbit sick.

Please take your rabbit to the vet.
While I'm not as experienced with rabbits as others on here, I have studied in the veterinary field and I can definitely say this is NOT something that can simply be treated at home.

Please, take your sweet bun to a vet (often state they "accept exotics"). When you call for the appointment (or when you first arrive) talk to them about arranging payments over time using your credit/debit card. Usually, if they have your card # on hand, they don't have a problem with the payments -- versus say them waiting for you to mail a check or to stop in with cash.
Shes grinding her teeth now and shes not eating much either. She drinks, and will eat lettuce when I give it to her. I will be getting an appointment to the vet but if there are any operations or special medication my mom wont pay for it so that's quite bad, hopefully it be something I can fix with hardly any money spent.
Ya it would suck to have to come to that, we will have to wait and see thanks for your guys help hopefully everything turns out okay,if not she had a pretty good and long life.
Btw guys I would just like to thank you guys for the advice and unfortunately we had to put her down. The vet found a tumor on her cheek, which prevented her from eating. And since she was old we couldn't operate. So she died on Christmas which is quite sad. Thank you guys.

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