New Member
Hihi I'm new!! I did try to search for this before posting but I got every thread even mentioning alfalfa 
I'm allergic to alfalfa and timothy hay. I've bought a hay taster pack to test which hays I can stand to be near without my allergies playing up. In the pack is:
Crau Hay
Meadow Hay
Oat Hay
Orchard Hay
Ryegrass Hay
I've tried a few being nearby me, smelling and touching them to see if I have any kind of reaction and I'm fine so far.
I'm just concerned if I get a young rabbit or pair that I won't be providing them with enough protein or calcium by using one of these. I've looked into the nutritional analysis of some hays and nothing comes close to alfalfa hay
Has anyone with an alfalfa hay allergy had any luck with alfalfa pellets? As this seems like a good option. I will also provide a hay I'm not allergic to
I'm prepared to get an adult rabbit or pair if I can't find a good solution to this. I've had my heart set on keeping rabbits for well over a decade and I've only just come into a financial position to do it, it's so unfortunate my health may get in the way of it!

I'm allergic to alfalfa and timothy hay. I've bought a hay taster pack to test which hays I can stand to be near without my allergies playing up. In the pack is:
Crau Hay
Meadow Hay
Oat Hay
Orchard Hay
Ryegrass Hay
I've tried a few being nearby me, smelling and touching them to see if I have any kind of reaction and I'm fine so far.
I'm just concerned if I get a young rabbit or pair that I won't be providing them with enough protein or calcium by using one of these. I've looked into the nutritional analysis of some hays and nothing comes close to alfalfa hay

Has anyone with an alfalfa hay allergy had any luck with alfalfa pellets? As this seems like a good option. I will also provide a hay I'm not allergic to

I'm prepared to get an adult rabbit or pair if I can't find a good solution to this. I've had my heart set on keeping rabbits for well over a decade and I've only just come into a financial position to do it, it's so unfortunate my health may get in the way of it!