If the mills are indeed doing it, the only way I could see a vet being able to do it in a cost effective way is to do it without anesthesia. The breeder simply could not make a profit on those bunnies unless these are $5 "budget" neuters.
pamnock wrote:If the mills are indeed doing it, the only way I could see a vet being able to do it in a cost effective way is to do it without anesthesia. The breeder simply could not make a profit on those bunnies unless these are $5 "budget" neuters.
No anesthesia? Oh my word! Now I feel like crying. Do they at least get some kind of numbing shot for the general area?
God, I hope not. I can't imagine how that would even be possible, wouldn't the rabbit kick and fight it? :disgust: How would they be restrained if they did do it w/ out anesthesia?
I would be very surprised if they did it without anaesthetic, the animals would very likely die from shock...
Anaesthesia isn't that expensive if you buy it as a business, it�s the mark up that�s expensive![]()
At a younger age [younger than 5 months], the surgery is complicated by the difficulty of lating the very thin uterus and the very small ovaries. A spay at an immature age may also have a dramatic effect on the proper calcium absorption by the bones.