New Member
I have a just over a year old male Holland Lop rabbit (He's white with grey spots if that helps).
I guess since he was born he had a funny thing in his eye, but over the last year it has gotten much much bigger, and a second one has grown in the other eye. They don't look like they are bothering him, but they look like cataracts (although I am really not sure because I got that word from a book for people diseases). He doesn't respond to fast motions coming towards his face, but he always knows where I am to give him a treat or find me when he is adventuring around my room. So my real question here is: Is my bunny blind or ignorant? Blind because he doesn't respond to fast movement or lights, and ignorant because he finds me just fine when he wants something.
Secondly, he has a big bald spot right on his back in the centre. This bald spot has only appeared recently and I don't know what is causing it or how to treat it really. I have investigated the area of the bald spot and there appears to be a spot that looks like a mosquito bite. Would a bug bite cause a bunny to scratch himself bald and if so how do I treat it?
And just as a final note, he has really large, bald pink balls and I am curious if that's normal. They kind of creep me out a little.
Sorry this was so long, I am just worried and new to bunny keeping!
I have a just over a year old male Holland Lop rabbit (He's white with grey spots if that helps).
I guess since he was born he had a funny thing in his eye, but over the last year it has gotten much much bigger, and a second one has grown in the other eye. They don't look like they are bothering him, but they look like cataracts (although I am really not sure because I got that word from a book for people diseases). He doesn't respond to fast motions coming towards his face, but he always knows where I am to give him a treat or find me when he is adventuring around my room. So my real question here is: Is my bunny blind or ignorant? Blind because he doesn't respond to fast movement or lights, and ignorant because he finds me just fine when he wants something.
Secondly, he has a big bald spot right on his back in the centre. This bald spot has only appeared recently and I don't know what is causing it or how to treat it really. I have investigated the area of the bald spot and there appears to be a spot that looks like a mosquito bite. Would a bug bite cause a bunny to scratch himself bald and if so how do I treat it?
And just as a final note, he has really large, bald pink balls and I am curious if that's normal. They kind of creep me out a little.
Sorry this was so long, I am just worried and new to bunny keeping!