Is my bun a MALE or Female?

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Male or Female?

  • Female

  • Male

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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2008
Reaction score
, Florida, USA
[align=center]BIG UPDATE[/align]

[align=center]Took the bunnies to the vet today and it turns out that...[/align]

[align=center]Wrangler is a BOY !![/align]


[align=center]Chrome is aGIRL !![/align]

[align=center]SoOoOo their genders were correct all along :biggrin2:[/align]

[align=center]Thanks ya'll for the help though![/align]
I have a horrible track record for sexing baby bunnies.:p

Could you press a little more just in front of the genitals? You can usually get something to "pop" a bit. You'll either see a more clear vulva or a penis.

How old is Wrangler?
Yeah, ya need to press above his genitals and something will pop out. If that something has a little dot in the center, it's a boy, and if that something has a vertical slit, it's a girl! Poor Wrangler, having his bunny bits flaunted all over the internet... :biggrin2:
haha I know poor thing:blushan:

& Wrangler is about one-years-old...least that's what the previous owner told me, but I am starting to wonder if I have been told all lies!

I now call my bunny "it"...I feel weird calling him/her Wrangler now :(

Hopefully this mystery will be solved soon!
Really? Where?

But if he's 1, you may as well just sign him up for a speuter. The vet will figure it out... and then remove the offending parts.;)
Well I took ya'll's advice and pushed back to reveal...well, I have no idea. I am leaning torwards a girl though, because it certainly didn't look like a penis to me :?
If it shows like a "donut"... round all the way with a hole in the middle, it's a boy. If it looks more like a "taco", kind of tucked in at the back end, it's a girl. (Sorry for the analogies, it's the best way to describe it!)

Based on your photo's, you are not pushing in the "right" place. Move forward of the anus, to the "second opening", and push down right at the front edge of that opening.
Yes, you can wait til the scrotum shows. Depending on the breed, between 3 and 5 months of age. If she is over 6 months, and nothing shows on either side, I'd assume it is a girl. (But I would suggest moving the fur aside and checking for sacs.)
Bo B Bunny wrote:
But the scrotum will show a bit when they are older, correct?
If the testicles are out the scrotum will be visible and it'll be easy to tell gender. But even females have a bit of bare flesh down there and if you don't know what to really look for I can still see someone getting confused.

NEW PICS (Sorry, they may not still be the greatestpics- kind of hard to take a picture of!) But anyways...

I pushed back more flesh and this is what I found:

Can you take your index finger and thumb and gently push to get the tissues to pop out a little more? It's difficult to tell for certain from your photos.

Here are some links to some good photos:

clevername wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
But the scrotum will show a bit when they are older, correct?
If the testicles are out the scrotum will be visible and it'll be easy to tell gender. But even females have a bit of bare flesh down there and if you don't know what to really look for I can still see someone getting confused.

Yeah, but that's around the scent glands. I have both male, and female and Bo was a "tucker" but I found his and he was neutered at 5 mos.

I am about ready to give in and take my bun to the vet. And convince my roomie to take her's too. We examined her bun today, and her "whatever it was" popped out more than my bunnie's...which makes me wonder if her's is actually a male :?I am on the verge of pulling my hair out! :faint:I need to know what it is! And then I need to find out if he/she has been fixed or not! But I am tight with money, so that could be an issue! *sighs*
ok because he is a year old you should be able to see testicles if you can of cours it is a male, lol but if not than it is a female.

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