Is Maisie in heat?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I have a question for you guys...what does a bunny act like when they're in heat? Do they get "in heat"?

So, here's why I ask:

Maisie's four months old now, and I'm starting to see behaviour hereand there that indicates her hormones are starting to flow, so tospeak. Today, we noticed that when we open her cage, she laysa bit funny. She hunkers down in the front in such a way thather rear seems to be a bit up in the air. She doesn't haveany angry body language (or maybe I'm mistaken), so I don't think she'sangry (she never reacts angry about us opening her cage to give herfood...she's always excited to see us, comes over and bumps or sniffsnoses with us or asks for petting). She puts her head all theway down onto her two front paws, puts her ears flat against her back,and seems to raise her butt a little. Could she be "inheat"? It's a similiar thing to what I'd seen our femalekitty do before she was spayed and was in heat, so it made mewonder. I can't find any articles about it, so I thought I'dask.

Thanks, guys! :)
Bunnies don't really go into to heat--or they're always in heat, depending how you look atit. ;) They're 'induced ovulators'.

There's lots of info on this under Bunny 101 in the Resource Center.

Like SAS mentioned, bunnies don't go into heat.What your seeing is just the building up of her hormones. At 4 months,she is nearing maturity.
They don't go into heat, but they do excited? Frustrated? Mocha used to do theexact same thing, and it also reminded me of how cats put their rearsup to get the base of the tail scratched. But that's not whatMaisie is looking for. If she was a boy she'd be mountingyour foot instead. :rofl:

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