is lucy cold

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
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NEWCASTLE, , United Kingdom
hi all

just noticed lucy's ear twiching alot

tony says shes been fine all morning

i thought she might of been cold but the heating was on

what could this be

could it be a nerveous twitch

varna xxxx
A cold rabbit is not good. Do you have a thermometer to take her temperature?
From what I know of rabbits, the ear is therabbits heat vent. If I have this wrong someone tell me, butif they are laying spread out ears up they are warm, if they aresitting around bunched up with ears flat, they are cold.These are usually just comfort warm and comfort cold unless you thinkthe place is way too warm/cold for them. Ear twitching (likedaisynbuster said) sounds like an ear irritation and not a coldthing. Check to see if something is on/in them that might bebothering her.
Hmm, I read on a site that thebesttemperture for a bunny is between 60-70 F (15-21 degrees C).It's 20C in my house right now and I'm frozen but Cookie doesn't seemto mind..
Hi Varna :
Has anything changed other than turning the heat on >?
sometimes the ear twitch can bea sign of she is hearingsomething and cant quite locateit and has to flickher ears round trying topin point.
If it continues check her forearmites . but I dont think that would be the problem. More the like she is hearing somethingyou can not.
loppylove wrote:
how do you kno when abunny is cold?
They are cold to the touch. Normally bunnies are quitewarm. Warm ears is a good indication. Once inawhile my bunnies get cooler ears, but they are never cold.
Lissa wrote:
loppylove wrote:
how do youkno when abunny is cold?
They are cold to the touch. Normally bunnies are quitewarm. Warm ears is a good indication. Once inawhile my bunnies get cooler ears, but they are never cold.
thanks! my apartment is sometimes cold and im cold and he looks likehes kinda huddled in a corner, do they do that when they are cold?
Mr. Stee wrote:
From what I know of rabbits, the ear is the rabbits heatvent. If I have this wrong someone tell me, but if they arelaying spread out ears up they are warm, if they are sitting aroundbunched up with ears flat, they are cold. These are usuallyjust comfort warm and comfort cold unless you think the place is waytoo warm/cold for them. Ear twitching (like daisynbustersaid) sounds like an ear irritation and not a cold thing.Check to see if something is on/in them that might be bothering her.

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