no,it doesnot even seem practical..whats going on to indicate overfeeding..??-sincerely james waller :big kiss::bunnysuit:Is it possible for a mama bunny to over feed its babies?
Is it bad?
What are the signs that kits are overfeed?
If It is bad, what should I do?
It is probably nothing to worry about. I had a doe that only had two babies (when normally she had 6) she fed them so much and they looked like they could barely move and where like two little slugs. They both lived and where fine but I asked the same question as you on another forum and someone said sometimes if a doe has only one/two kits they can feed it more milk than it can digest- the milk can cause gut problems and it can die- but that only happens in the first weeks and is rare. They also said that being a really fat baby can make them fat adults and its not healthy for rabbits to be fat. So I would just be aware and not feed lots of rich pellets or things like oats which are fattening and feed more less fattening hay if the kits seem really fat and sluggish when they get to around 6 weeks and are eating solids.
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