Is it normal for a bunny to have a slightly dirty behind? Cadbury is all white on his tummy and butt and when I flip him over, he's a little dingy back there. His poops in his cage are really good - nice and solid and his "other" type of poops are fine too, not too mushy or watery. I guess I would have just assumed that he would keep himself clean, but I'm tempted to clean his rear end with a washcloth. Is this fairly normal or could there be something wrong? He's only been with us a week and he's still a baby, so maybe he's just nervous? Sorry if this is a really stupid question. I'm just brand new to bunnies so I get paranoid. He appears to be eating really good (Timothy Hay and pellets that we buy in bulk at a feed store (not sure of the brand). I haven't been able to get him to drink from a water bottle though. I have a crock with water in his cage and although I haven't caught him drinking from it, he's still pee'ing fine - my carpet can attest to that. Is there anything else I should be looking for? He seems to be acting fine - alert, affectionate, and playful when he gets his out of cage time. He doesn't seem to be afraid of anything actually. I expected the little guy to be more timid than he is.