Is having just one bunny bad?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2006
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Traverse City, Michigan, USA
I have one Netherland Dwarf and I give her a LOTof time and attention. She actually likes taking a nap on mychest while I watch TV! She gives me lots of kisses,too. I'm just wondering if she is lonely without anotherbunny friend or if it is okay to have just one?
If a bunny is getting lots of human interaction,which your bunny sounds like she does, then she should be justfine! She will most likely bond to you as if you whereanother bunny.

Some bunnies do well with other bunnies and others hate otherbunnies. SAS has a bunny named Pip that hates all otherbunnies (or animals), and is very, very bonded to SAS. Thereis no way that Pip would share SAS.

So, use your personal judgement. If your bunny seems happywith just you, and doesn't seem to be mopey or sad, then she'll be justfine.

I say if they get lots of attention from you one is okay by itself.sometimes if you have 2 they bond too each other and then they pay less attention too you.bluebird
We actually adopted a bonded pair that we had to separate after 4 months because they started fighting. Interestingly, after we separated them the two rabbits became much more interested in US (the humans in the house). One of the rabbits is unbelievably affectionate now, with kisses and snuggles. We've not been successful re-bonding them yet, but we'll keep trying.

I always feel that with social species (i.e. rabbits, dogs, guinea pigs, etc.) it is good to have a companion of the same species. Imagine living your entire life without another human being who knows your body language and vocalizations intuitively. Of course, there are always exceptions in that a certain bunny might not tolerate any rabbits. I took in my previous rabbit, Ruby, by herself and had her for a good few months before I adopted a male friend for her. Ruby was very much so bonded to me...lots of licks and snuggles. After an arduous bonding process, she and Smitty lived quite happily together. Ruby did show a special interest in Smitty and vice versa but she still was affectionate towards me. She was much happier to have another rabbit around and I felt better knowing that even though I spent a lot of time with her, she had a bunny buddy to pal around with when I wasn't there. You might want to consider getting a second rabbit and bonding them. As a side note, Smitty was a little standoffish at first towards me but it was so interesting seeing him warm up to me. Good luck!

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