Active Member
Back in December my rabbit gave birth to 5 babies. One of course being the runt, smaller than the others, but still very strong. She's growing up and developing normally just like the others, but her fur is quite different from the others. While everyone else has soft fur, Demi's fur is more .. well .. This picture might be able to help explain better. Her fur has waves and ridges in different places, her whiskers are a little crooked and one or two of them are slightly bent. She looks like an alley cat version of a bunny. She seems pretty healthy, she eats and drinks well and is very active, and loves to snuggle. I was mainly just wondering if I should be worried about her at all. I'm not sure what breed of rabbit her father is since her mama was a rescue case, but her mother from what myself and a few other members here are guessing is a Flemish Giant mix.