Is Crabtree fat?

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Active Member
Oct 14, 2009
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Los Angeles, ,
I get alot of grief from my friends about how fat my bunny is. Heck i get grief because i'm a 26yr old guy and have a bunny. I tell them that he isnt really fat but just an overall a big bunny. He does eat alot but he goes outside on the balcony and runs around and dosent show really any signs of laziness or lethargy. He has the entire bathroom to himself as well so he isnt cooped up or anything and can walk around. Just wondering based on the pictures if you guys think he needs to lose a pound or two.

He gets pellets about twice a day (but never eats it all) and lettuce and carrots everyday. The occasional strawberry or orange slice when i have them on hand.




my happy rabbit t-shirt has my motto on it-"eat right, exercise hard, die anyway". He looks just like most of my rabbits and we are way more concerned with quality of life.
He looks a little chunky to me, though it's really hard to tell from pics and a vet should be able to tell you for sure. Do you know how much he weighs? What amount of pellets do you give him (and how much do you estimate he eats)?