Involved in hit and run and now I'M being sued!

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
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Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
Two weeks ago I was driving down the two lanecountry road that leads to where I live. I saw a fire truck come upbehind me with his lights on, so I pulled over into the only drivewayfor a half mile. There was nowhere else to pull over, you go off intothe bayou in most places. So, I pull over as far as I could, and he sawme pulling over. He went to pass me and didn't push over far enough andslammed into me. He knocked me into a fence and totally messed up mytruck in the process.

However, he hit me and kept going. He never even came back afterwards.I called the cops, I give my statement, and the fireman drivingADMITTED he didn't "see" my truck and had no idea they had hit me, saidhe was sorry, ect.

Now, two weeks later, we are they are threatening to sue us (myparents, since it's their truck, and me as the driver). They wrote upthe report and LIED all over it. BTW, this is a small hick town whereeveryone knows EVERYONE. And since we are new in town, we're outcasted.We learned this real quick. Ever heard of crooked cops down in thesmall towns in the south? This is it.

On the report, the fireman ADMITSHE hit ME, but that it wasunavoidable due to ON-COMING TRAFFIC! WRONG! There were NO cars comingbefore he hit me, and it took a good 2 or 3 minutes before one passedat all. Then they stopped to help me.

Next, the crooked cop FALSIFIED the police report and re-wrote it inHIS hand-writing to state that I ADMITTED that *I* hit HIM when I"pulled back onto the road as the fire truck was coming." WRONG! I wasDEAD stopped in a drive-way, he refused to pushover to avoidhitting me, and HE HIT ME! Then, he said he had his sirens going andthat it took me forever to pull over. I pulled over as soon as I could,and he DID NOT have his sirens on! They NEVER came on!

So now the report puts that I was "engaging in wreckless driving", and"negligence of a vehicle". I cannot believe this... this town is socrooked and it only has one police officer. And he's more crooked thata mouse maze. And so are the firefighters, which happen to be HISBROTHER AND HIS NEPHEW! Think something's a little wrong about this?However, we are being warnedby OUR insurance company thattaking them to court wouldn't do any good because we are dealing withthe law, and the law almost always wins. Especially when it's 3 against1.

Okay, I'm done ranting.
So your insurance company warned against goingto court, but they're suing you. They still want you topay? I'd get myself a lawyer.
We're definitely getting a lawyer to fight it,it just worries us that they'll win and we'll be stuck with not onlythe truck repairs, but court costs as well.
Ohh my gosh!!! that's terrible!!

I really feel for you..and i hope you can get this sorted out somehow

let us know how you go!

Wow....I can imagine you must be so frustrated with all of this...

If you can, I would definitely suggest getting a lawyer, someone fromfar enough away that they don't know (and aren't related) to anyoneinvolved. The fact that the fireman admits to hitting you, while in thefalsified police report you admit to hitting him, you'd think thatdiscrepancy would be enough to make a judge go, 'hhhhmmmm'. If you arebeing accused of causing the accident, then why would the fireman admitto hitting you? And regardless of his rush to get to an emergency, youwould think that he'd be aware that he struck another vehicle.Unfortunately, taking all of this to court may cause you to bepermanently outcast in the town, but it's certainly something thatauthorities should not be able to do...bully the citizens with theirpower.

What have your parents said about all of this?
Are there any tv stations near you that checkinto things like this when someone calls in? We get the San Antoniostation here and they often check into discrepencies. Perhaps the truthcould somehow come out that way?

Can you go and make a formal complaint to thenext level up for the fire dept and police dept? There mustbe something for the county or state?

I'm in Canada so I don't have much insight, except this sounds like a Dukes of Hazzard episode. Damn Boss Hog!


Take pictures of your truck...plenty of them.Definitely hire a lawyer as well. Also, as I've figured out the hardway, a good rule of thumb is to keep a camera in your car at all timesjust in case (one that will show the date is even better...we just keepa disposable). That way, you can take photos of damage of your car atthe scene! We even got some picks of the damage from the other cars(when we could) to show the damage marks. Insurance companies canusually tell who did what from the photos.

I'm sorry you have to go through all this stuff! Hugs to you!:hug:I hope everything will turn out ok in the end.
Hi lalena2148, what a great idea about thecamera. I was in 2 accidents in June/July of thisyear(neither my fault) and I wish I had a camera with me. Idid take pictures when the cars were at the Auto body Shops, but as yousaid it would have been better to have pictures of the other vehiclestoo.

My next cell phone will definitely have a camera phone but for now I will definitely get one of those disposable ones.

Myboyharper, did the police not give you a report when the accident wasreported. I was given on at each accident. On theforms here there is a spot for Driver 1 & Driver 2, Driver 1being the one at fault, I was driver 2 in both accidents.

Boudicca wrote:
Can you go and make a formal complaint to the next level upfor the fire dept and police dept? There must be somethingfor the county or state?

I'm in Canada so I don't have much insight, except this sounds like a Dukes of Hazzard episode. darn Boss Hog!

yea she can, its called Internal Affairs

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