Well-Known Member
Ah...and you're leaving next weekend?
OK...I have a couple ideas for you.
The ONLY canned/wet food I've EVER gotten my Sunny to eat was the Iams Kitten food. Both my kitties REALLY liked it, and it has all sorts of essential kitten things in it. So try offering her that.
Also, adding 1cc vanilla extract (either imitation or natural...doesn't matter) to 32oz of her water might encourage her to drink (and it'll cut down on the ammonia in her urine...yay!).
So, try those two things, let me know if they work, ok?
Well I don't know if this is good or not but I have gotten her to eat more than we have seen her eat since we got her, by adding some tuna water to her food. I do know that human food isn't the best for her and I wouldn't give it to her at all but she needs to eat. I would say that tuna water if much better than the chicken nugget I tried last night:biggrin2: RIGHT?
I have noticed that she likes things warm, if fact I just warmed up her water and she drank it right away. She had some dry food mixed with canned still in her bowl and was sniffing it but then turned away until I stirred it up, then she ate it. Fussy little thing! She seems to really like the tuna and the Iams kitten so hopefully just mixing the two of those in with her dry we are getting her to a good place. Thank you so much for the advice.The tuna water is an excellent idea and something my vet has suggested when some of my cats are off their food. You may want to try some of the kitten food, some of the little cans of Fancy Feast, etc. Mallory, one of my cats, will only eat Fancy Feast flaked fish in the pink or blue can. You can also mix in a little warm water with the canned food. Water can mixed with dry food, let sit and soak up the water, then fluff with a fork. Some of my cats love this and others ignore it.
The stage 1 and 2 baby food for himan babiescan also help stimulate an appetite. We usually have good results with the turkey, chicken and beef or the turkey and chicken with rice. None have touched the vegetable and meat mix.
Nutrical, from the vet or pet supply, is also very useful - check the label for amounts and ages. WalMart usually carries Iams kitten canned food at a reasonable price.
You may to try warming up the food just a little. Somethings having it warmed stimulates the appetite.
IMO it takes up to 2 weeks for some kitties to bounce back from a spay. usually our vet says to limit running, jumping and stairs for 7 to 10 days.
Good luck with your little girl - she is gorgeous! Oops, almost forgot, some cooked chicken or turkey is fine for kitties, Best to leave the skin off.