Well-Known Member
They're so cute! I think it's funny that mostpeople seem to start with dwarf bunnies and then get flemish, but youwent backwards!
(**Note to Pam** Are Lilac's like Blues in their sensitivites to medications and the like?)
Soooooooooo, you really think you're gonna be able to resist the Flemish breeders at the Boathouse Party?Jenni, you forgot the Girls lmbo. Apollo likesChrista and Misty. Hopi aggravates him and Stormy is all of 4 ouncesand Wollo is scared of her.Silly guy.
Buck, Can you believe it lol. It's true bunnies multiply lolespecially when you can't say no to a rescue or two.
Definitely a full house here. I am maxed out at the moment as Idon't have any more cages. As soon as we get the back porch fullyenclosed and more cages I may take more in if Dale doesn'y kill mefirst lol.