Introducing the Nibblets

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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2004
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Apollo's Acres, Virginia, USA
Get this Ya'll...

My whole bale of hay went bad, can you believe it? We'll Jerand I jumped in the car to begin searching for this new hay Kaytee isputting out. Well my local feed store doesn't carry it..grr. Jump backin the car and drive the 30 minutes to town. Went to a petstore/boutique. You know the kind that you add 3-6 dollars to the priceand well you get it lol.

They sell the Kaytee...yeah!! I walk in and there are babybunnies. One little gray one stands right up whenI walk in.How cute but I need hay and cute is going to have to wait. I have3 bagsto buy and it was :shock:$12 a bag. For that price I'm thinking thatbag better have a handbag, shoes, or a pair of earrings in it. I turnedaround to walk away and I was horrified. They had 4 rabbits in thecase.

Jer fell in love with a Christa look alkie lol. That's when Iabout lost it. They had standard Rex and Netheralnd dwarfs together.The bowl was to big for the nethies to reach and every time the nethiestried to eat the bigger Rex would chase them away.

Ya'll the nethies were eating the pine pelets. The water bottlewas so high the nethies ahd to stand up just to get a drink. I askedthe punk working there how much for the bunnies. Let me say it wasALOT!!! I told him about the bowl and water bottle and he said theywould fix it. The punk said they were too young to sell. I walked outto avoid hitting this son of a gun and going to jail for it.

I left the store and went to Petco and found the hay I wantedand cheap enough too. I bought it and went to TSC for Woody Pet becauseChrista and Hopi are litter box Awesome are my girls!!!Apparently Jer couldn't get them off his mind either.

Yup you guessed it we went back to the pet store. The punk saidthey were old enough to sell. I know he was just covering his butt andthe stores butt. Well, we bought the little gray colored one. Her fullname is Misty of the Mountains. we just call her Misty.

We got her home and set up in her cage. She sat in a ball inthe back of her cage. It was so sad. She was eating, drinking, peeingand pooping fine but something wasn't right. She produced tons ofcecatropes the next morning. Gypsy said it was because they were beingfed guinea pig food from what I described.:X:X:X:X

They story doesn't end there, oh no. Against better advise wewent the following day and adopted the second Nethie. As soon as Mistywas reunited with her sister, she was doing binkies and was as happy asa clam. The second Nethie we have named Stormy Nights due to her color.We call her Stormy.

I must admit that 5 rabits is a complete blast. We are havingso much fun with all of them. Apollo is a bit scared of theNibblets(what we call the Nethies lol) but has adjusted well.

Here are pictures of the newest additions. Stormy alreadygrooms us, what a sweetie. I just got online and haven't added them allto photobucket so I'll do it this way for now. Here is a picture ofMisty.

Awwwwww :inlove:

Reminds me of littler versions of Bella and Onzlo:


Welcome to the family, Stormy and Misty!:hug:
They are both netherland Dwarfs and about 4-5 wekks old. I can hold Stormy in the palm of my hand literally.

I was terrified of Christa being so small and I went and got even teennier babies lol.

I am going to be asking Pam what she thinks about them. I amusually pretty good with colors but can't figure these two out.

Stormy looks like either a chocolate or weird black and Misty is either a blue or a lilac not too sure yet lol.

Hi Tina,

It can be rather hard to tell from photos because of the lighting. . .

Matthew and his little Polish buck (Todd)are picturedbelow. Todd appears black in the photo, but is a chocolate.

I got your PM :) Misty really looks like a lilac in the firstphoto. Self squirrels (non-agouti squirrel genotype can alsobe very light.) A ruby glow to the eye is a tip-off that therabbit is a lilac and not a blue.

I'd call Stormy black (unless the coloring in the photo isn't accurate)-- but I know what you mean about the "weird" blacks. I'vegotten muddy blacks when breeding black to Himi. If theundercolor is cocoa rather than grayish, it would be seal.If Misty is lilac, a chocolate in the litter wouldn't be asurprise. Chocolates also have a ruby glow to their eyes insubdued light.

They can be shown 4-H, but don't appear to be of really nice show typedue to the narrow heads and thin, longer ears. (They lookexactly like our little Polish rather thanNetherlands). You'll have topost some photos as they get older.

One thing I'm certain of -- they are absolutely adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angel:


dajeti2 wrote:
I must admit that 5 rabits is a complete blast. Weare having so much fun with all of them. Apollo is a bit scared of theNibblets(what we call the Nethies lol) but has adjusted well.

I know what you mean Tina. We have a blast when our bunnies all play together - I love to watch them play.

Congrats on your new additions!

Tina, what are you like???? Youdisappear for a few days(a few too many, may I add) andreturn with not one, not two but FOUR extra rabbits. Gotta saythough, they are adorable. Any pictures of the Trucker girls:) - Jan
Pam, thank you so very much. I wasalmost positive about the lilac but wanted your opinion. Stormy haschoco feet and the choco eyeliner and a choco tint. I will try and takebetter pictures as the get a bit older.

Thank you everyone. Never a dull moment lol. Play times are allseperate. Apollo and the Girls get 2 hours alternately all day long.The nibblets have run of the hallway. I tried having the girls all outtogether but Christa has major issues with Misty. Hopefully after everygirl is spayed I'll have better luck. If not that's fine too becausenobunny is going anywhere and we'll adapt.

I just not used to little bunnies lol. I am way too used toWollo. The Girls are little flashes when they run around and binky. TheNibblets are even faster:shock::shock:.


Gosh, i've missed you so much! Look at all that has changed...

All your new additions, how jealous am I??????? LMBO!

It's good to have you back!


Look at what happens to a rabbit fanatic when her computer goes downand she doesn't have the forum. Dale will panic if you ever lose accessto the forum again. Who knows how many you'll sign back in with!:shock2:

* * * * * *

Tsk...and now - The Gibblets. Can't we call them somethingelse??? They're too perfect and beautiful to be called Gibblets. I'llstick to their names.

What do we have here - two bucks? Are you sure they're bucks?

I know you said they were really cute, but you kept saying how Mistyhas that scrunched-in nose and I'm not seeing her that way atall! I probably would've thought they were baby Polish, just as Pamhad pointed out. And Lilac?!?! How beautiful is That?!

(**Note to Pam** Are Lilac's like Blues in their sensitivites to medications and the like?)

Tina, what color are Misty's eyes?
They're both absolutely P R E C I O U S!

:star: :kiss: :hug: :heart:

Welcome to the Family, Misty and Stormy!
(U8myhouse: I agree! They do look like your two troublemakers, Onzloand Bella. So beautiful. By the way, more pictures, please. It's beenway too long!)

And Tina? I hope you're put up a post introducing Hopi and Christa.


It rocks having you back.

Oh my! Tina isgoing to need the Partridge Family Bus to come to the Bunny BoathouseParty!!! :shock:

Thank ya'll so very much. They are socute. I must admit I never did like Nd's. They were just not a breedfor me until these little ones. Now I love them and jeremy wants tobreed Nd's.

They are both does. They both have brown eyes. I never thoughtabout the drug sensitivity Carolyn, thanks for asking.

We call them Nibblets or the Midgets. I just so don't want tooffend santone calling them Midgets because I would never want to dothat.

I have some really good pictures I have to load to photobuckettonight or tomorrow morning. It was 97* degrees here and I was out init for most of the day. I have such a headache.

I will definitely start an Introdcing the Girls post. I'll go do that right now. Bad Mommy.


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