forgive me for the duplicate post (I have another thread where I posted this same information) but thought I should share some updates with you:
Defying the vets suspicions, our little man is still with us! His behaviours and his appetite wax and wane - he has days were he is very confused and avoids us, hardly eats, and days (like today) were we get up in the morning and he greets us for pats and eats ALL of his greens (which is rare lately).
The vet came to visit us last week and gave us another dose of his medications (he's on a diuretic and also some medication for enlarged hearts). We had connected some behavioural problems with the administration of his medication, so the vet told us to hold off for a few days. Surprisingly, he came along in leaps and bounds. We even got a binkie out of him when we took him outside for some excercise! We've started him on the meds again now, and are thinking up more inventive ways of giving them to him. Syringe dosing was causing him far too much stress and we have found that soaking his liquid meds in sultanas works a treat. As we do not want to go back to syringe dosing due to his moods being much better when he does not have to endure the stress of it, does anyone have any other creative ways of dosing? I have heard of babyfood, however not so sure if that is okay (obviously we would need to find a kind that is literally 100% vegetables/fruit with no additives). He doesn't like juice, either.