Hi, everyone!
I just joined & wanted to say "Hi" first of all. I've been a rabbit-lover my whole life. My dad raised rabbits (for food & fur, although I didn't know that at the time, grrrrr!) when I was a kid, so I had lots of bunny-friends.
I've had 3 rabbits of my own since I've been an adult - Star, who I lost almost 3 years ago, was very sweet & hyper.
Earlier this year, I got Oreo. He's a sweetheart too, but a bit skittish. He will take food from my hand & crawl all over me if I am lying down, but doesn't want me to pay attention to him! Once in a while, he'll let me pet him a bit.I can deal with that.
I was recently given another rabbit. This new rabbit, Gingersnaps, is just simply mean & getting meaner by the day. Apparently her old owner was able to handle her, pick her up, etc. but lost interest in her when she graduated high school & didn't pay any attention to her all summer before going away to college, so her father gave her to me this fall. The first few days she was here, she was very quiet & subdued, probably because it was a new place. After that, she started growling if I went near her cage, even to feed her or let her out, but once she was out of the cage she was fine. Now she'll lunge & try to bite if she's approached, whether she's in or out of the cage. She also frantically tries to attack Oreo through the bars if he dares to come near her cage. Strangely, the only one in the house who can come near her cage without her growling or attacking is my dog, who mostly ignores her - she just sniffs him if he happens to get near the cage. The only reason I can even clean her cage is because I've got her in a cage with a wire bottom & a pan underneath. (I put her in that one because she wouldn't let me clean her other one.) The *only* time I can get near her without her acting crazy is when I give her veggies. I take long strips of veggies & feed them to her through the bars of the cage. She *usually* doesn't even growl when I do that.
I'm just unsure where to go from here. I haven't been able to find any rabbit rescues nearby & I wouldn't just let her free to fend for herself, of course! But I don't know of anyone who would willingly want to take in a rabbit that acts like this (except of course someone who wanted them for food, which of course, I don't want to happen either!)
I just joined & wanted to say "Hi" first of all. I've been a rabbit-lover my whole life. My dad raised rabbits (for food & fur, although I didn't know that at the time, grrrrr!) when I was a kid, so I had lots of bunny-friends.
I've had 3 rabbits of my own since I've been an adult - Star, who I lost almost 3 years ago, was very sweet & hyper.
Earlier this year, I got Oreo. He's a sweetheart too, but a bit skittish. He will take food from my hand & crawl all over me if I am lying down, but doesn't want me to pay attention to him! Once in a while, he'll let me pet him a bit.I can deal with that.
I was recently given another rabbit. This new rabbit, Gingersnaps, is just simply mean & getting meaner by the day. Apparently her old owner was able to handle her, pick her up, etc. but lost interest in her when she graduated high school & didn't pay any attention to her all summer before going away to college, so her father gave her to me this fall. The first few days she was here, she was very quiet & subdued, probably because it was a new place. After that, she started growling if I went near her cage, even to feed her or let her out, but once she was out of the cage she was fine. Now she'll lunge & try to bite if she's approached, whether she's in or out of the cage. She also frantically tries to attack Oreo through the bars if he dares to come near her cage. Strangely, the only one in the house who can come near her cage without her growling or attacking is my dog, who mostly ignores her - she just sniffs him if he happens to get near the cage. The only reason I can even clean her cage is because I've got her in a cage with a wire bottom & a pan underneath. (I put her in that one because she wouldn't let me clean her other one.) The *only* time I can get near her without her acting crazy is when I give her veggies. I take long strips of veggies & feed them to her through the bars of the cage. She *usually* doesn't even growl when I do that.
I'm just unsure where to go from here. I haven't been able to find any rabbit rescues nearby & I wouldn't just let her free to fend for herself, of course! But I don't know of anyone who would willingly want to take in a rabbit that acts like this (except of course someone who wanted them for food, which of course, I don't want to happen either!)