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Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
, Wisconsin, USA
Hello, everyone!

My name is Tania. I've been married for over 10 yrs, (together 12 1/2), I have 5 kids, and I raise rabbits and also have 3 tanks of fish. LOL! I've had many dif. kinds of animals in the past, but at this time in my life this is what we have. Oh, and a stray pregnant cat that we've been taking care of. LOL! The breeds I currently have are Mini Rex,Dwarf Hotots, and EnglishAngoras, and I used toraise Holland Lops and hope to get back into them again later this spring and I may also be gettinginto Netherland Dwarfs as well. There's a show this Sunday plan to attend and since we've moved 2 hrs from our old home, we're a lot closer to the Illinois and Iowa boarders now, (and Minnesota), so I'm going to try to go toa few shows in other states this year. My goal is to be able to compete at a national level, so I'm trying really hard to better the breeds andanything that I"buy" has to be better than what I already have,otherwiseit has no place in mybarn.There's no point in taking a step backwards with what I've worked v.hard to get so far, onlyforwards. My 9 & 11 y/o girls work hard w/the rabbits w/me, we all have what we want as far as breeds go and I try hard to go over the rabbits again and again w/the girls so that they each have a better understanding of the breeds that they are workingwith. The way I look at it isthat if Ican't grasp an understanding of the breed, then they can't, either. And if I don't know what I'm talking about, they won't be able to, either. So right now I'm explainging the faults and the strengths of the rabbits that we have and letting them get their hands on the rabbits so as to feel the differences and when I breed, I show and explain to them why I feel "this buck" and "this doe" would compliment each other. They're still kids, but they're picking up on it. :)
Hi there & welcome! It is nice to meet another mom of many children! I have 6 children, 4 dogs, 9 indoor cats & 3 bunnies.:biggrin2:
hello and welcome to the forum! how's the weather in wisconsin? it's arizona, but it's still pretty chilly here lately!

hope to see you posting around!

tracy :)
Is that the Rockton, ILshow you are going to? It's a new on this year, I wonder if its gonna be a big one....I'm up in the air on that one, but I'm supposed to pick up a buck there, but I'm already in Chicago this week for work, driving home Friday, then it'd basically be another 4+ hours back Saturday, stay overnite, show and come back Sunday..but MAN is that show bug biting me..this off time of year stinks!!!

Are you goin to Morristown, Mn(I think thats what its called, the moved Faribault show) on the 26th?
Welcome to RO! It's great to have another rabbit savvy member here and one with such a strong sense of rabbits too!

I'm a mom of one girl, she's 3.5 and I had a Dwarf Hotot (he just recently crossed the rainbow bridge) and I have one Holland Lop - she's in my avatar. I hope you post lots of pictures of your prize buns!

Hi! Welcome to RO!!

I can't wait to see pictures and hear all about your buns (and the rest of your family, animal or human)! :)

I think it's great, what you're doing with your kids. My daughter's seven (eight in Feb), and she's already picked up on SO MUCH with the buns. We have eight buns, one of them is "hers" (we know who REALLY does things for the bun, though, hehe), and she's already got a good amount of dietary, health, and care knowledge under her belt! :D I think when kids get taught at a young age how to respect animals, they grow up not only to continue respecting animals, but I think it also shows them a lot about how to respect other people, too.

Hugs to you guys!


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