
Rabbits Online Forum

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Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
Austin, TX, ,
my name is esther and i am the mom of two lovely bonded bunnies named harvey and mecca and a foster mom to a young brother and sister trio (yakko, dot and buttons).
harvey is about 2 years old and a flimish giant. he's a big teddy bear. mecca is a 4 year old english mix of some sort. she is a bit more stand offish but if you pet her she turns in to a little puddle of love.
the fosters are rambunctious and little lick machines. its very adorable.

anyway! lets hope these pics of harvey and mecca show up. :)



Welcome to the forum Esther! :welcome1

There are some Flemish fans here who would love to see more pictures of Harvey. :inlove:

How long did you have your Nikon? ;)
Welcome! This is a great forum and lots of friendly bunny mad people. That is a beautiful Flemish Giant. I have three myself, a steel buck - Barney, blue doe - Velvet and a black doe - Onyx.

I look forward to seeing more pictures of your bunnies.
aah! i love the first pic!
welcome! and i have a question: just how big are flemmies? how much does harvey weigh?
my dad saw a rabbit at the local fair that he swore was "at least 25lbs" and i don't believe rabbits can get that big. i wasn't there, unfortunately!
thanks! there do appear to be a lot of house rabbit owners in texas. i got pretty schooled once we got involved in them but all the austin owners.
harvey is a smaller one. he's about 11-12 pounds. he looks about the size of a small dog. maybe terrier/yorkie size? he's just a lot of fur :)
show rabbits have to be at least 13 lbs and have ears of i think 5 inches.
Welcome to RO Esther! :wave:

Your bunnies are beautiful!

Enjoy the forum,

~Michaela and bunnies (Madison & Ebony)~


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