Intro/Bonding Question

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Sep 11, 2009
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Hi folks, I have a question about a couple behaviors my bunnies are exhibiting and hopefully you can give me some guidance.

I have four rabbits - two flemish giants (spayed 2/18) and a young male who as of two weeks ago was too young to be neutered (per vet). The flemmies had been living side-by-side in a 30x30 hutch (each) outside but the previous owner said they didn't get along. The male rabbit is a rescue I took in because a friend of mine caught him in her yard and told me he was a wild rabbit but that she didn't want to release him in her neighborhood because of the number of cats and traffic. So I originally agreed to take him thinking I could just release him in as safer area (I live on 6 acres) ... but when I got him it was immediately clear that he wasn't a wild bunny so I took him in. The three of them officially moved in together two weeks ago - on 3/3. They get along quite well and have no problems.

So now I've complicated the mix by adding another bunny (also one I've taken in for a friend). Bunny 4 is female and was spayed 2/14. She is an english/mini lop mix.

My question is about some of the behavior she exhibits during introductions/free time and something I've seen both flemmies do now.

First, when I first introduced Siouxan (lop) to the others, and quite a bit yesterday too, she will sort of growl, stomp her feet, and run away. I assume that this is because she probably hasn't seen another rabbit since leaving her mother and siblings (she's about a year old) and is just frightened. There's nothing aggressive about her behavior, as far as I can tell, she's just frightened.

Now, that reaction causes my other buns to chase her, though as far as I can tell they aren't doing anything aggressive either, just seem curious and chase her because she's running. Is that the right assumption? I have seen some fur flying but that's been because one or the other is jumping over the backs of the others - no injuries save for a scratch to Siouxan's ear from being stepped on.

The other behavior is something both flemish girls have done during the meet-ups, and it's been during one of those jump-over, hop scuffles - and that's flop onto their side and kick violently and quickly with their back feet. The first time it was Sugar, and she ended up kicking at a balled-up blanket and the other time it was Cinnamon and she ended up kicking nothing but air.

From everything I can read on that particular behavior (and I admit, there's very little) it seems that theflemmiesare afraid of Siouxan and her seemingly erratic behavior and are therefore acting accordingly. Does that sound right?

I just want to be sure no one is being aggressive. Saturday, when Siouxan was finally able to calm down for a few minutes, all four buns hung out in the same area without incident, then she got scared again and took off and it all started all over again.

For now, Siouxan is spending the evenings in a kennel inside the bigger bun area and *seems* to be getting more comfortable with everyone - she doesn't stomp or growl when they approach and all three of the others take turns laying outside her kennel and Siouxan doesn't seem to mind.

Just want to be sure I'm on the right track for getting all these guys cohabitating at some point and happily so, hopefully.


Thanks! Yeah, I'm hoping it's all just a fear reaction from everyone because that's something I can deal with versus aggression.
Okay, so I noticed something tonight. When I let the lop in the bigger area (without the other rabbits) they *seem* to kind of lunge at her when she comes to the gate ... which I interpret as them simply not being thrilled with "their" space being invaded.

Siouxan seems to be getting used to the others, but she seems to like to dart around and play. I assume that's because she's been an only pet her entire life and doesn't really understand that in bunny speak, the running she's doing is actually kind of causing a frenzy with the other rabbits who ARE familiar with "normal" rabbit behavior and when they see another rabbit running it triggers a fear response. When allowed to play together, they will chase her and pull fur from her back without causing pain.

Does that sound like a reasonable scenario? I am basing that opinion only on my bunnies' behavior and no deeper knowledge of rabbit behavior.

I'm guessing that I need to wait to let them spend time together until Siouxan is comfortable enough NOT to run constantly from them so that they can relax. Even when they are outside "their" area while Siouxan is running around and when they are charging/lunging, they don't seem otherwise aggressive toward her (ears are up, tail is down, etc.)

What should I do next? I can bring them all into an area no one has ever been, put them on the washer during the spin cycle, take them on a car ride, etc. Just not sure what the next step should be. Do I give Siouxan more time to adjust or should I just let them work it out and chase until they finally calm down? I'm determined to make this work but her lack of knowledge on bunny etiquitte seems to be throwing a wrench in the progress. :) Input, please?
Let her read the book on rabbit behavior. lol I thought at first you wrote in the washer, not on it, so I'm glad I misread.

It does sound like you need a place where there isn't much room to run. Maybe in the bathroom would be good, or in a dry tub.
My laundry room is fairly small, I can just do it in there after I get them out of the washer, lol!