My male bunny was injured and his private parts are horrible - looks like either he clawed, bit or chewed on his genital or the other bunny in the pen did it to him - I have never seen them fight at all - but I am new to rabbits. They have a nice hutch and play pen area. I took injured bun to vet - she was very surprised - main concern was if bun was urinating and he is. However its now been 4 days and the poor little things injury still looks awful. I am curious if anyone else has ever seen anything like this and what to expect as far as recovery time? The vet really didn't tell me, I do not have a "rabbit" vet in my area. She did give the bun an antibiotic shot. Bun is eating - drinking (seems to be a bit less) and is urinating and pooping. Do you think he will recover? It still bleeds a bit - not constantly - just see spots of blood every now and then. I appreciate all answers as I want to be sure I am doing everything correctly. Thanks!