Hi everyone
I just wanted to pop on and give you all an update on what's going on so far in Trixie's travels....
This morning DH and I got up at 3:30am EST to feed Trixie and gatherall her toys, hay and food. We left the house by 4:20am headed towardsNewark airport in New Jersey. We arrived at Newark Airport at approx.5:30am. Alaska Cargo is in the same building as Continental Cargo, andin fact, the entire staff that was there were Continental employees.
When I brought Trixie in her small carrier, she quickly drew a crowd ofbig, burly cargo workers with her charm. I told Rosie it must be thetwitchy nose...she cast a spell on everyone - BEWITCHED-style! LOL.....
As per the Alaska Airlines rep who I booked the flight with on thephone, we were told they would inspect the kennel upon arrival at theairport and make us take Trixie out of the kennel to inspect it. Also,we were told the rabbit would not be allowed any food or water, noteven hay! This was a HUGE issue for me, and I even hung up on themcrying before calming down and calling them back to book the flight...
ANYWAYS, rather than pull her out of the kennel and try and hold asquirming, indignant princess of a bunny while they inspectedeverything, we brought her in her smaller carrier and brought thelarger carrier empty for them to inspect....we also brought a bag ofhay, food, a bottle of water, 2 different water bottles, zip-ties, wirecutters, her favorite toy and duct tape in case they had a problem withthe set up of the carrier.
They didnt even inspect it when we got there! The workers there were sofunny and laid-back they didn't care...they took one look at Trixie andus and just KNEW nothing was shady about us. They even let us put herhay, her water bottle, and even her favorite toy in her carrier withher!
And the health certificate everyone was so admant about over the phone? Didn't even ask for it....
So....as I am waiting for processing of the flight info, etc....thecrowd of employees has grown to about 10 men, all telling stories abouthow rabbits are smart, how to raise them, how BIG Trixie is...it wasamazing how interested they were in her well-being!
The supervisor that booked everything was suprised that we used Alaskaairlines instead of Continental b/c he said Continental flies directlyto LA airport with no layovers and he seemed concerned about the 3 hrlayover in Seattle. But, he booked the flight on Alaskan Air asplanned....
So, after all was said and done, and Trix was transferred to herlarger, more "plush" accomodations (we lined her larger carrierwithskid-proof shelving cloth on the bottom and shreddedpaper), we waved goodbye and blew her kisses as she was taken in backon a small payloader....and told the supervisor to take good care ofour baby.....
The flight was scheduled for 7:45am EST, so when I got home around8:30am, I thought Trix was already in the air...and I didn't realizeRosie wanted me to call her as soon as I dropped off our bunny since itwould be 5:30am her time....so I collapsed into bed and was awoken at11am (yes, I am a tired pregnant lady -ha) by the SUPERVISOR of AlaskanAirlines. DH answered the phone and I INSTANTLY sprung out of bed whenI heard him say "You're kidding!? Can this be taken care of?" I had NOCLUE what happend and feared the worst....images of a runaway rabbit inthe cargo area of Continental were running through my head like ahorrible nightmare!
Turns out, according to the supervisor, everyone fell in love withTrixie (how could you NOT?), and rather than take her outside on thetarmac as the cargo hold was loaded, they kept her inside where it waswarm and kept an eye on her and gave her lots of pets. They were soconcerned with her being warm, they FORGOT TO LOAD HER ON THE PLANE!LOLOLOLOLOL
SO, the supervisor called to let us know theywere going to fly her to LA on the next Continental flight at 12pm. Thebest part was, the flight was DIRECT with NO LAYOVER and Trix wouldarrive in LA at the same time as planned! GREAT NEWS! Less stress forTrixie! So I laid back down in bed and smiled at our good fortune. 20mins later, the phone rings again...it's the supervisor Reggie fromContinental Cargo with even BETTER news....they got Trix on an EXPRESSflight to LA departing at 1pm EST and she would be arriving an HOUREARLIER than planned, so instead of arriving at 5:15pm PST, she wouldbe arriving at the Continental Cargo receiving area at 4:15 and thentaken to the Alaska Airlines receiving area for pickup as planned! Sono inconvenience for anyone!
So...as of now, my little bunny is somewhere in the sky, on her way toher new loving home....and until 7:15 my time, I will be praying forher safe arrival.
That's about it! I will keep you all updated if I hear anything else!